
Showing posts with the label worry

The Seed must die first (John 12:24)

  The Seed must die first   I got so excited about the deep subject of death that here I am again bringing it to you with renewed vision.   Most people out there are excited (maybe a bit) about life.   They ‘want a better life’. In John 12:24 Jesus seems to present it from a different angle: “Very truly I tell you, unless a kernel Of wheat falls to the ground and dies, It remains only a single seed. But if it dies, it produces many seeds.”   To me, it simply means that to experience the true life you and I need to figuratively die (Be careful here I did not mean literally).   It just means that your self-desired life must die first before you can live a life where you will be truly satisfied.   Not seeking self, but God’s desires for your life.   The seed must die in the ground before there is an explosion of life producing a plant and fruits.   Just think of what will become of you when figuratively you will die, and life eternal will come to you in its fullness.   In life’s princ

Family Affairs

  Family Affairs   Don’t miss it I know that we are busy in life or rather that we like to keep ourselves busy, while our infant girl or even teenager is crying silently for our attention.  They might even be desperately wanting your approval or guidance in their life.  But you will not give it to them simply because…you are lost in your business.  Love is yet an essential need of anyone of any age.  What you give to your children now is what they will give you in return when they grow up and more.  If they are miserable now chances are that you will be miserable with them when they grow up.  That is the fate we reap in our lives. Be all there My life with my children was good when I was ‘all there’ with them.  When I was not given to worry about our finances and rapped in myself with divers’ anxieties.  I enjoyed playtime with them, but not fully there.  It took us a while before I realized that I needed medications to live well.  Prior that time life was very chaotic; we mo

Trust and Anxiety (Proverbs 3:5)

Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and do not lean on your own understanding. (Proverbs 3:5) I am just wondering, does that exclude anyone of us? Anxiety is one of the number one mental problem in the world. Some statistics from around the world show that in the world and US anxiety disorders go up to close to 18% of the entire population. It still doesn't mean that the rest of us don't worry. In this verse, we see a split between "trust" and leaning on your own understanding. Now I am going to say that word that is being disliked more and more in this world.  It is "sin" to lean on our own understanding for anything. I am not saying that, but God is saying in his Word and in my spirit.  Whenever you lean on your understanding , you loose your peace.  Whenever you loose your peace if you are a Christian, your eyes stop looking and focusing on the Lord and that is sin.  Whenever you get out of the light of his presence, you become