
Showing posts with the label focus

Adjusting Our Focus back on Jesus

I have noticed more than usual the coming “in” of a different Gospel portraying a “different Jesus .  In fact, it has happened for years ever slowly slithering like a snake into the Church .   We have many different gospels out there but many without the power of the Cross .  I am more aware of it in my own life .  We must go back to the Gospel of Christ .  There is a dangerous “Prosperity” gospel going around that preaches that God is “good ,” he is, but when ‘one’ goes through trials and temptations ‘one’ becomes incredibly surprised and even disappointed by this god who is “good.”  This way of thinking is very harmful since God is good and as a Father likes to discipline us to show his love for us .  He uses hardship to discipline us, and the Apostle Paul was not rich even though he preached the Gospel .  Christians might find themselves in adverse situation to prosperity and it makes me wonder; What would Jesus be like if he came to today’s world?   “But I am afraid that as the s

Focus on One

  Focus on One I was prompted to look at something shiny and precious and low and behold, the word “Focus” came to mind. We all need to focus, not on our wealth but on the One who made it.   Shiny things and wealth and wealthy people will all disappear into eternity and be gone like grass in the wind. I was watching a short video about someone wealthy retaliating against what people were doing to him.   He was speaking to his audience with a few chosen words I would not want to repeat here.   Because of his foul language, I valued him less than I did before.   The language a person chooses de-values someone’s character very fast.   I am not saying that everyone should change their language to be a good person.   It must be a matter of heart about who you focus on while you speak. I am certainly not saying that you must focus on pleasing everyone around you.   No, you must focus on pleasing only One and that is God through Jesus Christ.   It takes a lot of the pressure off, and


Focus Focus can be an all-around good thing: In your life or business, job, and goals that you set for yourself. As well, in your spiritual life you can focus on whoever you think your maker is.  As a Christian, for me it boils down to ‘adoration or worship.  Focussing on God and removing all distractions. We are so used to focus on social media that we lose focus on the main thing, which is relationships, one at a time.  Even God take the second best. Focussing in photography is moving the focus of the lens to the right or to the left unless it is automatic. God has spoken to me about the importance of keeping the focus on anything or anyone important to us.  If we lose focus on God for example, he loses some of his power in our lives to the point we end up becoming useless for him.  Like a photograph becoming useless when it is out of focus.  I want you to be able to reflect on your life and notice that you have lost focus on some of the important stuff.  It sometimes can even cause