
Showing posts from May 14, 2023

From the Heart by B.Demaere: Every Scar you own

From the Heart by B.Demaere: Every Scar you own :   Every Scar you own You might like myself have scars all over your body with memories and stories attach to them. I have scars from whe...

Every Scar you own

  Every Scar you own You might like myself have scars all over your body with memories and stories attach to them. I have scars from when I was a child when I went with my bike down a hill, took a spin and fell on my knee and scraped it badly enough that my mother had to take the gravel off it. Another one from Italy when I was balancing on a ramp and fell on an adjacent wall made of sharp stone. It seems that every scar you own are recorded on your or my body.   Sometimes, these scars still hurt like the one I have from my hip surgery.   Sometimes it itches. Every scar has a story to tell, and we bear them one by one. The Bible says that Jesus took our infirmities on himself when he died on the Cross (Isaiah 53).   Even those emotional scars that we carry around.   He wants them for himself so he can heal you.   Those scars of abuse he wants them. Why?   So that they don’t become a heavier burden to you because he loves you.   He want...

Family Affairs

  Family Affairs   Don’t miss it I know that we are busy in life or rather that we like to keep ourselves busy, while our infant girl or even teenager is crying silently for our attention.  They might even be desperately wanting your approval or guidance in their life.  But you will not give it to them simply because…you are lost in your business.  Love is yet an essential need of anyone of any age.  What you give to your children now is what they will give you in return when they grow up and more.  If they are miserable now chances are that you will be miserable with them when they grow up.  That is the fate we reap in our lives. Be all there My life with my children was good when I was ‘all there’ with them.  When I was not given to worry about our finances and rapped in myself with divers’ anxieties.  I enjoyed playtime with them, but not fully there.  It took us a while before I realized that I needed medications to li...

From the Heart by B.Demaere: Make Your life Better

From the Heart by B.Demaere: Make Your life Better : I have seen many people hurting mentally and I want to make an impact on society while helping these people.  I have been hurting a great de...

Make Your life Better

I have seen many people hurting mentally and I want to make an impact on society while helping these people.  I have been hurting a great deal from my mind.  I have found that medications are not always enough but that they help getting you into a right frame of mind to be able to cope with your life. Some of you might know what I am talking about: Have you ever felt lonely to the point of it chocking you. Have you ever felt depressed to the point of suicide.  There is a very fine line there that should not be crossed. All this to say, that no medications  are not the only help you should get with depression.   Assuredly, you must deal with the issues that would if dealt with could help you move on.  Don't just pop pills and hope for the best. Life is full of issues we must take responsibilities for.  Start on taking control of your life.  For example: Budgets can be overwhelming for people with mental illness, but just spending less and bein...