
Showing posts with the label devil

Completely Closing the Armour

  As our son and family came for a visit, we also him and I got busy on nailing netting over the fence to keep the deer population out of our yard.   We thought that we had done a good job with it but to no avail.   One deer had still made it over the fence.   We have no idea how it made it over. Deer are well protected here in Canada. Is your armour sealed? I right away thought about my spiritual armour.   Is it completely sealed away from the attacks of the enemy or the world?   What about lust, anger and lack of love do those murmur in my spirit or my mind?   Is Satan whispering in my ears?   What are my beliefs about self or Christ?   Do they match what the bible teaches? You must start with your relationships.   Are they kept pure? Are you protected from any worldliness?   Satan wants to move slowly and steadily in our lives so that we are completely unaware of his attacks.   He is not called a “serpent” for no reaso...

So much suffering...yet God is Good

  So much suffering... yet God is good Even though God is good it does not stop the suffering in the world.  Humans are responsible for their own actions.  The killing of innocent lives? It is not God.  Abortions? It is not God.  The world dying of hunger and wars? It is not God.  God is all good, but just.  There is one in this world, the Bible says: Steals, kills and destroy...We must blame him. Satan, the devil.  He divides to conquer, he is smart but not as powerful as God.  God has given him until a certain time and then there will be a judgment on him and all his followers.  Sufferings also come on those who although may look to be innocent are doing evil.  God knows what is in the heart of every man and woman.  If you are evil, be warned that your days are also numbered.  You are not as innocent as you may think or anyone else for that matter. If you have never heard of repentance, here it is...It is being truly sor...

In God's Strength ( Luke 4:1-15)

  In God’s Strength Luke 4:1-15 During his 40 days fast, Jesus was tempted by the devil himself.  It is not something to take too lightly.  A short fast can be challenging for most people, never mind a 40 days’ fast.  For Jesus coming in his humanity and going through these temptations as a human being it must have been very challenging.  Like ourselves when faced with temptations his only weapon was the Word of God.  All the Scriptures he chose against his enemy were out of Deuteronomy.  When it came to Satan making the offer and suggesting that he turned the rocks into loaves of bread, it was real, and I am sure that the temptation to do so would have been strong enough to sent desires to his brain. This was a real battle for Jesus fighting a real desire.  Have you ever attempted a fast?   Mostly, what I see through this passage is that Jesus did it in the power of the Holy Spirit.   He didn’t do it in his own human strength. ...