
Showing posts with the label First love.

Where is your First Love? (Matthew 13:18-23)

  The good soil represents the hearts of those who TRULY ACCEPT God's message and produce a huge harvest-thirty, sixty, or even a hundred times as much as had been planted.   (Matthew 13:23) In the first place, seeing this verse would you agree that your life like mine doesn't produce a huge harvest.  By looking in the previous verses we can identify which camp we belong to.  Firstly, we could belong to those who have been robbed by the Devil  (v.19).  Secondly, to the 'rocky bunch whose roots don't go deep (v20-21).  Thirdly, we have the 'thorny, messed up group.  There is overgrowth in that one.  Moreover, distractions in their lives smother the ground like thorns.  Meeting they have to go to, TV they have to watch to keep up with the latest news.  Lastly, there is the good soil people.  They are tuned in the Vine and grow in the Word.  They let the Master cultivate their ground. The rocks and the thorns have to be ...