
Showing posts with the label free

What is Truth? (John 18:38)

“Pilate said to him (Jesus) What is truth? And when he had said this, he went out again unto the Jews, I find in him no fault at all.” (John 18:38) That is the Question Pilate had asked that question about 2000 years ago without it seems really wanting an answer.   Since then, the world has had its own idea and philosophy of what the truth should be.   Many people today have their own personal view of what is truth.   No one really is teachable and ask question about it.   We just stubbornly make up our own truth to avoid it altogether.   If Pilate had been teachable, he would have known the truth because the truth was with him right there at the front of him.   Pilate represents what a lot of people are like today.   The Truth is right with them and in the front of them and yet they still ignore.   Nevertheless, there is a price for that, and it is costly.   There is not much time left for you to know the truth.   You are better fin...

Grace is Free (Ephesians 2:8)

  Grace is Free… …To anyone who comes to Jesus and accepts him by faith. “For by Grace you have been saved through faith…it is a gift from God.” (Ephesians 2:8) But to live by faith will cost you everything if you walk by it.   But then, you will have joy because at last, you will have freedom. To Abraham, faith costs him his son although in Genesis 22:10-11 he got him back through the intervention of the angel. Then Abraham reached out his hand and took the knife to slaughter his son. But the angel of the Lord called to him from heaven and said: “Abraham, Abraham!’ And he said, “Here I am.”   Read also: (Hebrews 11:17)   It costs God his Son Jesus but through the Resurrection, his Son was made alive again. Mark 16:5 “You are looking for Jesus the Nazarene, who was crucified.   He has risen!” There is a principle here… Abraham got his son Isaac back with a new life… God got his Son back through his Resurrection… And as you become a bo...

Better than a Pot of Gold (Romans 3:22-24)

    This righteousness from God comes through faith in Jesus Christ to all who believe.  There is no difference, for all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God , a nd are justified freely by his grace through the redemption that came by Christ Jesus . (Romans 3:22-24)   Please don’t miss the beauty and simplicity of these few verses.   This verses to me are the key to what God can do for your life.   It means basically that all that you have to do in order to be counted a just person to God is to believe in Jesus Christ.   Put aside your own ideas about what religion is.   God through these verses is saying, you don’t have to do anything to please him.   The works that come after you believe are not really works but come out of your obedient heart to him. Obedience comes through his Word and what he reveals to you.   What I want to say is that nothing we do with God should not be done out of duty but out of pleasure.   It ...

It is Free

  It is Free! What more do you need or want?   Life can be free for you if you choose to be free.  Right now, you are a slave to sin, you are paying dearly for the life you have and the wage in the Bible is called DEATH. “For the wages of sin is DEATH, but the GIFT of God is ETERNAL life through Christ Jesus our Lord.  (Romans 6:23).  Within the Eternal life is included the abundant life that Jesus is.  You and I don’t need anything else.  He will supply all our needs because he is the Good Shepherd.  The only reason we find ourselves lacking is when we quit believing or having faith in him.  When we quit trusting him.  When we quit putting him FIRST.  A Christian should never find himself or herself lacking and I don’t mean prosperity gospel.  When you put your faith in God first before your want.  You will not be lacking anymore and always content of what you have in your pantry.  There will always be enough t...

The World is a System

    Beat the System   Don’t misunderstand me on this one.   I am not saying physically, but spiritually and mentally. If the ‘system’ gets you down and overwhelms you change your heart and renew your mind.   The answer has been given you long time ago, but somehow you have missed all along.   Perhaps too busy to listen or you knew better than anyone else, even God.   There is only one foot between your heart and your mind and yet you have missed the most important information that could change your life forever,   You Can be Free   Assuredly, there is a whole network in the invisible realm of angels, good and bad fighting against each other for the defence of two kingdoms.   Some want you! You have a choice now for God or for the Devil.   For good or evil. Love or hate! God, from the beginning has wanted you whole and free from your sins, but no necessarily free from your problems.   Jesus Christ came ...