The Only One God says it himself a few times in the Bible and not only that, but he is also the Only One living God. Is it not awesome. It makes it a lot simpler for all of us. We do not choose, he chooses! Life is so simple, and we make it complicated. Furthermore, out of the gods out there he is the Only One alive. Does this mean all the other ones are dead. What is the point of worshipping a dead god. Jesus is the Son of God, and he is alive, trust him! He is not mean This living God has been given a bad reputation by most. We don’t understand him, or we don’t want to know him. One or the other! To me though, he has been good. It is just that I have made a lot of mistakes and sometimes I want to blame God for them. That old blame games. It is not his fault when I make mistakes, is it? It is still not the end of the world because I make a mistake...