
Showing posts with the label heaven

Are you Going to Heaven? (Romans 10:3-4)

  Are you Going to Heaven? (Romans 10:3-4) Once again, I will give you the reading of the French version of Romans 10:3-4 and then the English literal text of what it says: V3. En effet, ils n’ont pas compris comment Dieu rend les etres humains justes devant lui et ils ont cherche a etablir leur propre justice.   Ainsi ils ne se sont pas soumis a la facon dont Dieu rend les hommes justes. V4. Car le Christ a amene la loi a sa fin, pour que tous ceux qui croient soient rendu justes devant Dieu. In English now: V3. In fact, they have not understood how God make human beings just before him and they have sought to establish their own justice (or righteousness). And so they have not submitted to the way God make humans just (or righteous). V4. Because the Christ has put an end to the Law, so that all who believe are made just (righteous or born-again Christian) before God.   Many say they are going to Heaven, but will they?   Do they have what it takes? ...

The Power of Letting go "A time to keep, a time to give up" (Ecclesiastes 3:6)

  The Power of Letting go Whether we are intelligent or spiritual we have the choice to release, or letting go.  Whatever you like to call it, breathe in breath out.  It seems that in every discipline known to man there is a way of letting go.  Thus, even in regular prayer one aspect of it, it is to let go. In life we must learn through it to let go of stuff.  Letting go of accumulated furniture and junk in our homes.  Letting go of our children when they are teenagers. Letting go of them when they get married.  All through life we go through this process of metamorphosis to become eventually free like a beautiful butterfly.  We also must teach this to our children and the process goes on and on.  We must let go of our bad memories and guilt from the past.  Do you understand that the more you let go of baggage and chains, the more you will be free in your life to do either what God wants you to do or what you have dreamed all your life. ...