
Showing posts with the label Praise

Praising Always!

There are many scriptures in the Bible that encourage us to praise the Lord. It is easy to praise God when we have a song in our heart, and everything is going great. It is a different story when it is not so good. It is like taking off the ground assuming you are a bird lifting a heavy weight. Can anyone relate?   It feels like we are constantly oppressed by the power of darkness. Could it be that what Israel is experiencing right now be the reason for this oppression?   Nevertheless, we must praise the Lord through this oppression. Things are happening in the heavenlies and in this world that we do not understand. Only God and the enemy understand, and we must persevere through this.   Anyway, I am calling on all the praisers out there to get singing (it is your privilege to be chosen as the ones who go first). It is going to be good. Victory is ours. It is not time to be weary and discouraged, it is time to confront a problem head-on and fight with praise and thanksgivi

Let's Celebrate Hope (Romans 15:13) (2Peter 3:9)

May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace as you trust in him, So that you may overflow with hope by the power of the Holy Spirit (Romans 15:13) It has come to my attention that as a New Testament believer there needs to be more celebration happening in my life.   Although, there is a difference between partying and celebrating.   Partying can get out of control, but with celebration it must be done with order.   We seem to know how to celebrate different holidays.   I had just like to give it a different spin.   Life and hope must be celebrated during the holidays or any day of the year.   Whether we are believers or not, life and hope can always be celebrated because whether you like it or not you have both by the simple fact you are here alive and healthy.   God is so merciful to all of us because if he was not this whole world, we are on would not survive very long.   I am so fortunate to have his Mercy in my life.   Because of it, troubles come in my life, and they