Not Just Nice Words (John 15:22 -16:1)
Not just nice words (John 15:22 – 16:1) Chapter 15:4 Abide in Jesus like a branch abide in the Vine. He is the Vine Chapter 15:9 Abide in my Love, in my commandments. You are my friends. Abide and you will bear fruit. Chapter 15:18-21 As a result of the fruit in your life persecution will come. As it is for Jesus it will be for you. The Love that perspires out of your life is too much for them to take. To make a long story shorter, I feel that our call is to abide in Christ who is the Vine and that out of this abiding Love will blossom in our lives and affect others. When it Love comes to you don’t stop it and when it goes out of you, that Love don’t stop it. This wind of love will affect in turn the world who will see Jesus and like they did to him, they will persecute you. But here is the part I am excited about (Chapter 15:26). During these changes, the Holy Spirit who is a person not a thing will be with you and as you keep ...