God Has a Time For This (Psalm 27:4)
1) Spare time? As a retire man like everybody else I have a lot of ‘spare’ time and yet all that time should be and does belong to God. Spare time is a name we give generally to the time that we want to waste away. Our attitude must be that all that time is the Lord’s. Since we gave our lives to him. 2) God willing After I read an inspirational devotional in Bear Grylls’s book entitled “Soul Fuel” about “God Willing” I must agree with him that my decisions and plans should only be taken with God in mind as he is willing or not to fulfill them. (If you remember Bear Grylls as the one in the TV series, “Running Wild with Bear Grylls” on Global TV.) Our (God’s and my) plans should not be determined by my shortcomings but by his ability to fulfill them. 3) First things first If at the very beginning, we put him first we will be securing the best results for our...