
Showing posts with the label dust

Re-directed Joy (Luke 10:1-20)

  Re-directed Joy (Luke 10:1-20) Overview The seventy-two are sent ahead of Jesus and by Jesus.   I suppose it was to prepare the way.   They went in groups of twos.   On their way, they cast out demons and healed people from their diseases. The number 72 was not chosen by Jesus randomly, I suppose it has a numeric biblical significance. As the 12 disciples were chosen so the 72 are also chosen for a purpose. Severity of the message The severity of the message was in proportion to the reception and belief in the message and the authority of the messenger given by Jesus.   They were not to discuss theology with them and deep issues; they were to give the message simply and truly.   No argument needed. If the message was not received, they were to move on and shake the dust off their feet (10:11) Move on.   No feeling sorry for anybody. The responsibility was clearly on the hearer. Return of Seventy-two They boasted in their ability to cast o...

God with us....Forever

  God with us…Forever   From the beginning of times   From the beginnings of beginnings, God was there fashioning and building what we see and feel what is all around us today.  In Psalm 90, we are told that before the mountains and that the world was born into existence.  He was there and he was God.  That same living God is with you today through whatever situation you find yourself in.  He is with you on Mondays and throughout the week.  Don’t miss him!  The Bible clearly shows that he is with his people when times are tough for them.  He cares immensely for each one of us more than we care for ourselves.  We cannot make excuses for leaving him.  People all around us may mess us up enormously, but it does not mean it is God’s fault.  We should not turn our back on him for that reason.  Today, too many things are blamed on others including God and it is not fair.  Whatever, you decide to do with others ...