
Showing posts with the label Wisdom

God's Ways are Perfect (1 Corinthians 1-2)

According to 1 Corinthians 1 and 2... The message of the Cross is foolishness to the lost, but wisdom and power to the people of God.  We are saved against any humanly impossible condition.  Humanly speaking God’s love for us cannot be reasoned since the wisdom of man cannot bring us to God (1 Corinthians 1:21).  Human wisdom is too weak to even comprehend God’s ways.  We who are born-again believers have cause to rejoice in this, that Christ did not die in vain but saved us beyond our understanding.     It does not make sense that I who has a mental illness should be given the privilege to give the message I have been given .  Come on God there must be someone better than me among 8 billion ?  But it is his delight to entrust his message to the weak because that is given in power .  Obviously, God must be looking at other aspect to qualify someone because to the world I was a nobody.   No one can know a person’s thoughts except that person’s own spirit, and no one can know God’s thou

Wisdom saves you from evil

            He grants a treasure of common sense to the honest. He is a shield to those who walk with integrity. He guards the paths of the just. And protects those who are faithful to Him. (Proverbs 2:7-8) I hear it a lot these days.   People giving way too much credit to ‘luck’.   Verses like these ones remind me that there are no such things as luck.   Soon or later if you are not protected by the Lord evil might come knocking on your door.   I don’t wish it to anyone.   It seems to be clear to me though that unless you show some integrity in your life, and you are following the righteous paths you will be protected.   You cannot bet on ‘luck’ to protect you because she might not be around for long or around when you really need her.   As for the Lord God he will be faithful if you show yourself faithful.   He will be your Reward.   Often Christians look like the losers but wait and see.   There is an invisible hand at work for any obedient Christian who follows the Lo

Heart Mining (Personal Healing)

  Heart Mining It has been about 2 weeks now since we moved into my parents’ old home.   The primary purpose was obvious.   To move there to reorganize the place.   But the secondary or subsequent purposes are not as obvious.   We have been through almost everything in the kitchen, not without a struggle, and almost everything has a memory.   Everything has a discovery of characters attached to it. For example, my Mom’s old deep fryer was left with memories of fresh homemade fries cooked twice and crispy just as only a Belgian Mom could cook them.   I just want to let you know that we, Belgians at heart, are very proud of our French fries.   No one will take this away from us.   So, with a memory is always linked to a relationship.   I related to my mother most through cooking and even I became a baker/cook.   Now I can make fries the way my mother used to.   With memories come possibilities.   You can see that following a primary purpose is a secondary purpose and that purpose dee

A Deep Subject

  A Deep Subject Death is the deep subject.  I do not know if it is because my mother passed away last month or because I am getting older and all of you are getting younger or both. Life seems shorter as we get older, and we know death is nearer.   Which is stupid to think that death is nearer now than when I was twenty years of age.   Death is nearer to us all the time.   Beware of thinking that you are immune to it.   Death is inevitable. Why do I talk about death so much?   Because it is a fascinating subject.   It is a subject that causes the depth of philosophy to open before us.   I am especially interested in people’s last words as they face death in the face.   Somehow, in every word their soul reveals their souls. Of course, we should not keep our thoughts constantly on death and forget about life. It is just that thinking on death gives us a certain wisdom that was not there before. Death for some people is a warning and to others it's a call Life is short, l

Living the Purposeful Life

I want you to know how much I have agonized for you and for the church at Laodicea, and for many other friends who have never known me personally.  My goal is that  they will be encouraged and knit together by strong ties of love.  I want them to have full confidence because they have complete understanding of God's secret plan, which is Christ himself.  In him lie hidden all the treasures of wisdom and knowledge. I am telling you this so that no one will be able to deceive you with persuasive arguments.  For though I am away from you, my heart is with you. And I am very happy because you are living as you should and because of your strong faith in Christ. The historic background of Paul's life is that he was probably born in 5 AD and became a believer at the age of about  28-30 years.  Here in 60 AD when he writes this letter he is around 60 years old and agonizing in prayer for people he had known only while living in Ephesus. My question is then, how much more stronger must

PAUSE! Interpretation explained! (Hebrews 6:19) (NIV)

We have this hope as an anchor for the soul, firm and secure.  It enters the inner sanctuary behind the curtain. Well, I hope you had a great day yesterday and today. The foundation of the Word is faith.  Jesus is the Author and Finisher of our faith (Hebrews 12:2 NLT) "We do this by keeping our eyes on Jesus, on whom our faith depends from start to finish" (the KJV says the Author).  Faith can be translated or interpreted to be Hope which in the Epistle to the Hebrews is described as an anchor.  An anchor is what keeps a boat in the place you want it to be, steady even in the storm.(Hebrews 6:19) On that foundation of faith we built. There is a thread running through the Bible, it is red and it represent, blood.  The blood of Jesus that was shed for us.  That thread appears in the book of Joshua as Rahab puts it by her window (Joshua 2:17-21).  It's there as a sign of salvation to her family.  The family of a prostitute, a Gentile and a descendant of Jesus.  The way to

Words for Today (Ephesians 4:25-26

So put away all falsehood and" tell your neighbor the truth" because we belong to each other.  And "don't sin by letting anger gain control over you". Don't let the sun go down  while you are still angry, for anger gives a mighty foothold to the Devil. I used to be very angry and now I have mellowed out quite a bit, just ask my wife and children.  It is also called not having a filter, you know? The kind that filters your words.  Keeping your mouth shut at the right time can keep you out of trouble and not say the stupid thing you really want to say at that time is also a good idea. Anger is very destructive and like a tornado it leaves a path behind it of unhappy customers, friends and family.  It also brings a lot of loneliness.  Who really wants to be around someone who is angry all the time. So that's what the words, "don't sin by letting anger gain control over you" mean, keep cool.  You can be angry but also think of your actions afte

Lessons for Daily living (Proverbs 6:6 )

Take a lesson from the ants, you lazybones. Learn from their ways and become wise! What I like about the book of Proverbs is that it is God's honesty displayed.  It says it like it is and following this verse, it will give the consequence of laziness being poverty. Now laziness is greatly being misunderstood in our society.  A person suffering from mental illness is not lazy when he or she stay at home doing nothing because of lack of motivation.  Laziness is not retirement, in fact some retirees are busier than they were when they worked at a job.  Resting is not laziness.  Even being busy is not and shouldn't be a statement that you not lazy to people around you.  Even being disabled mentally or physically doesn't mean you are lazy.  Because people put a "lazy" label on you doesn't mean you are lazy. Just because you are a teenager doesn't mean you are please no more teenager's roasting.  A teenager can be a hard working teenager. Actually,

Avoiding Immoral Women (Proverbs 5:8) and more

Stay away from her!  Don't go near the door of her house! The immoral woman A sweet and bitter woman in speech 1) Her lips are sweet as honey     Her mouth smoother than oil  (verse 3) In reality she is bitter as poison and dangerous as a double edged sword. (verse 4) 2) Her feet go down to death (verse 5)  Her destiny     Her steps lead straight to the grave    She is a leader in a bad way 3) She cares nothing about the path to life (verse 6) Wants to have nothing to do with God.     She staggers down a crooked trail and doesn't realize it (verse 6) She is ignorant. 4) Stay away from her (verse 8) 5) If you don't stay away from her, you will lose your reputation (verse 9) 6) You will loose everything (verse 10) 7) You will loose your health (illness) (verse 11) 8) You will have many regrets about undisciplined life and about not listening to mentors (verse 13) 9) Public disgrace (verse 14) 10) Encouragement to loyalty in marriage with your wife (verse 15-20) 11) For the Lo