Beauty in Faith



Law vs. Faith


Many in the world are motivated by the Law.  Continually pushed and shoved around by what they should and should not do.  The voice of legalism ruling in their churches and religions.  There are a lot of false religions in this world.  We must be aware that there is only one possible path to God.  It is narrowed not by rules and obligations but by the commandments of Jesus.  To love others as we make this path the narrowest there is.  Living by faith fulfills the command of love and faith is the only way you are going to please God (Hebrews 11:6).  Without faith it is impossible to please God.  The obedience to the Law does not fulfill.  It is belief in him that cause one to live by faith. 


The Beauty of Faith


The beauty of faith is the freedom you will find in God after you start loving him and obeying his voice. Jesus should be the Only One to be worshipped by you.  It is no longer God or Jesus and something else to be worshipped.  Jesus Christ is ENOUGH on his own.

Therefore, why would anyone be wanting to be slave to any rules if they can be free of all these by simply obeying him.


The Cross of Jesus (Matthew 27:45-56)


There is a true beauty in the Cross of Jesus Christ.  Through it, you can be saved in believing in the sacrifice Jesus made for you.  If you look for one minute at the Crucifixion you will find that the trial was one of an innocent man claiming to be the Son of God and being called a liar (Matthew 26:63-67). They could not accuse him of a serious crime and released a true criminal in his place (Matthew 27:15-18).  The confirmation of his identity was evident when thunders roared, and rocks split after his death.  Dead bodies of believers rose from their grave and visited the city after his resurrection.  The curtain of the Temple was ripped in two from top to bottom (A miracle in itself). You will have lost everything if you don’t believe in Jesus as the Son of God.  He is your Only Hope now.


If you declare with your mouth, “Jesus is Lord,” and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved.  (Romans 10:9)



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