
Showing posts from July 7, 2024

The Legacy of Wisdom Proverbs 8:17

    I am more than excited about the wisdom I find in Proverbs from the Bible these days.  A wisdom that I want to grow into and be able to pass it on to future generation The book of Proverbs is to me in part an admonition from a father to his son.   A legacy of wisdom and character.   Very obviously and more than anything he does not want his son just to be wealthy    but rather, want him to be rich in wisdom from God, the highest kind of wisdom there is.   The kind of wisdom that you want to know intimately and even pass it on to the next generation.   Men, I am talking to you or with you While still reading and meditating on the Book of Proverbs from the Bible, I cannot help but experiencing it as an admonition from a father to his son.   The Father wants to pass on a legacy to his son.   Are you a father or one to be? Or perhaps, like me a grandfather who has struggled all his life to put food on the table?   Now ...

Two is One

 As we look at the science of focus, we see two images that have to perfectly match each other’s in order to focus perfectly in the making of a photograph. It is the closest concept that I can come up with in order to explain the oneness between the Father and Jesus Christ. With this in mind we can understand the power there is when those two are in focus in our faith. When we believe this according to the text in John 14:“I assure you and most solemnly say to you, anyone who believes in Me [as Savior]will also do the things that I do; and he will do even greater things than these [in extent and outreach], because I am going to the Father.” ‭‭John‬ ‭14‬:‭12‬ ‭AMP‬‬ There is power in togetherness when the unity and oneness of the Father and Son settle in our spirit. It is because Jesus Christ went to be with his Father that we can do greater work than he did by believing in them. I had like to apologize because the way this post is written....

Under the Lord's Protection (Psalm 91)

A Psalm with the Presence:   I love the book of Psalms, one of my most favorite one is Psalm 91 . It is all about God’s Presence and I love his Presence . It is such a comfort to be in and enveloped in the arms of Jesus all the time is it not?   When you start reading this psalm especially you feel the joy of the Lord coming over you.   Have you ever felt protection?  It is like a gentle ‘eye’ watch ing over you to keep you from falling and even if you happen to stumble, he is ther e to steady your feet and if that were not enough, he h as ministering angels watch ing over.  You are never far from his thoughts, and he hold you in palm of his hand.   It is a Special Psalm:   There is something different in psalm 91 and I want to capture it.  It was one of the psalm Satan used to try to deceive Jesus in Matthew 4:5 when he encouraged him to jump so that the angels would catch him in flight.  Jesus became aware of his tricks and told him...