
Meditation fit for a King (Deuteronomy 17:18-20)

Meditation fit for a King (Deuteronomy 17:18-20)

Poetry Lovers: A Fly

  A Fly A fly, Coming through the open window, Uninvited, winged monster, Darkly clothed, And landing on my paper. Its legs, thin and crossed, Become linked And, inked, To the page. As I write a story About elements, Seemingly, Unnecessary, In all creation, Like the fly, And the mosquito, Touching, The dead, And the living, And leaving, In the end, A bloody mess, Of scraps and bones. By Bernard Demaere

The Purpose of Tithing (Deuteronomy 14:23)

The Purpose of Tithing (Deuteronomy 14:23) : The purpose of tithing is not to make you poor. It is to teach the fear of God to his people. It is for the insider's benefits. Don't we want to be blessed?

Helpful Discipline (Deuteronomy 8:5)

Helpful Discipline (Deuteronomy 8:5) : In God's eyes displine should be loving and designed to help. To us discipline is unpleasant but for our benefit. It carries with it a blessing.

The Privilege of Revelation (Luke 10:21-24)

The Privilege of Revelation (Luke 10:21-24) : It's unthinkable! We have the privilege of revelation and around us, We have the Fullness of the Word of God. Let's not take it too lightly!

‘Taking off the mask’ (Romans 3:23)

‘Taking off the mask’ (Romans 3:23)

Laughing at Jesus (Luke 8:53) (Acts 9:5)

Laughing at Jesus (Luke 8:53) (Acts 9:5) : If you mess with the Church, you will have to answer to Jesus. Like the Apostle Paul on the Damascus road. He was persecuting Jesus as he was hurting the believers.