If God does it, who am I not to do it?

 Are you a god that you should know better than him who created everything from scratch?  

Proverbs 8:22 (MSG) “God has sovereignly made me- the first, the basic- before he did anything else. I was brought into being a long time ago.” 

Today, my message is from the Word in Proverbs, and it is clear and to the point. 

How many times have you started something without making wisdom, your sister? Do you hold wisdom close to your heart and mind? (Proverbs 7:4-5) 

This verse in Proverbs 8:22 says that Wisdom was created first or God is sending us a strong message about wisdom. “If I started with it, you could too.” Start with wisdom in all you do. If you lift her up, she will lift you too. 

Increasingly our society is letting go of wisdom. An example: Prayer in schools replaced by good behavior. Are we telling God what to do? How can we have our needs met if we do not put him and his kingdom first (Matthew 6:33)? Why do you think there is poverty in the world? God is not invited into our lives. We are running the show? How is that going? 

This blog is going in a different way than I had planned initially but it is true.

We need God to be so close to us. We should not be afraid of him. Imagine, that he originally wants us to be one with him (Jesus) as Jesus is one with the Father. That is close. When someone looks at me that person should only see Jesus. What do you think of that? Do you matter? You do in a loving way to God, but Jesus is the one who should be worshipped. He is the only One worthy of the attention because of all that he did for us (as individual) by dying on the Cross and offering himself as a sacrifice to God. I did nothing to deserve him.

Please have a deep look into your life and let God do his work in you. You might end up surprised as to how simple it is. He is not mean; he is kind and gentle and very patient. If he can do it in my life, he can do it in yours as well. Take a step of faith in the direction he wants to take you. It is exciting. He will open your eyes to new stuff, some may hurt but do not be afraid he will pick you up. Trust him now! 



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