While You Were Watching! (1 John 4:4)

 (Satan is not the main actor in this play of life, he sometimes work in the background of our lives. Covid-19 is mostly a spiritual attack.  The Church are the warriors.)

While you were watching at the window of this world, television.  Covid-19 came up!  Fear gripped you and here was an enemy bigger than the world and bigger than you.
Without even you, noticing, the backdoor was waiting to be open and in came the real enemy of your soul, Satan!
The plague you were watching was only an image of the real plague that was going to attack your soul.
Rendering you weak and inefficient in the Lord’s service and dividing your church.
He murmured to your ears like he does all the time, only now to announce to you the end of all things has come.  But greater is he that is in you, than he that is in the world.  Hope is not all gone for the saints.  Remember the day of your salvation when you were a new shoot in the Lord’s hand.  He held you so proud and, back then, you were in love, nothing could have stopped you.
You had hope back then, indestructible.  What is stopping you now?
Yes, the Lord is coming soon, and will he find any faith on the earth?
Rise up! You Saints and put on your armour for the victory is ours.
Jesus Christ is coming soon and this hope as we see it today is the same hope as we see it tomorrow
As we see it now in our spirits so will it be, then.  That hope of our forever home!
If we have lost the vision,
We have lost the will,
If we have lost the will,
We have lost the fight,
If we have lost the fight,
We have lost the battle!
Come to your senses, O Church!
And win the war,
For we have Jesus!
By Bernard Demaere


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