Making Promises to God

 One thing we must watch for, it is keeping our promises to God. It is so easy at one time to make a casual promise to Him and then forget or discard as not so important...but God has not forgotten and that is why this verse warn of danger. 


It is a trap for a man to [speak a vow of consecration and] say rashly, “it is holy!” 

 And [not until] afterward consider [whether he can fulfill it] (Proverbs 20:25)  


Now in the book of Judges 11:30-31 a man by the name of: 


 Jephthah made a vow to the Lord and said, “If you will indeed give the Ammonites into my hand. Then whatever comes out of the doors of my house to meet me when I return in peace from the Ammonites, it shall be the Lord’s, and I will offer it up as a burnt offering.”  


As you read on in that same chapter you realize that it is his own unique virgin daughter that he had to sacrifice. Today this would not be allowed but in biblical times it was accepted. Nevertheless, however this is one of the saddest stories in the Bible. It shows how serious it was, and it is still now to keep a commitment or promise to God. Do not make it if you are going to break it!   


If you have made a promise to God and broken it repent and turn around and make it right with him because the fellowship with him will be broken. If you made a promise like that to God and broken it, you might have noticed your life has gone downhill since. In such a time, it is important to make it right with God. 


Life is not to be wasted, it is to be lived to the fullest in a good and healthy way. No one might even know about that broken promise but God and that is enough for you to get back to Him and be Friend with him again.  


Do not delay he is at the Door (Revelation 3:20) 


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