The Legacy of Wisdom Proverbs 8:17

  I am more than excited about the wisdom I find in Proverbs from the Bible these days.  A wisdom that I want to grow into and be able to pass it on to future generation

The book of Proverbs is to me in part an admonition from a father to his son.  

A legacy of wisdom and character.  Very obviously and more than anything he does not want his son just to be wealthy   but rather, want him to be rich in wisdom from God, the highest kind of wisdom there is.  The kind of wisdom that you want to know intimately and even pass it on to the next generation. 

Men, I am talking to you or with you While still reading and meditating on the Book of Proverbs from the Bible, I cannot help but experiencing it as an admonition from a father to his son.  The Father wants to pass on a legacy to his son.  Are you a father or one to be? Or perhaps, like me a grandfather who has struggled all his life to put food on the table?  Now is my second chance to build a future filled with wisdom into my grandchildren whom one is about to be born.  What an open canvas for creativity and opportunity.  My ambition is to pass on the little I know of God unto my children and grandchildren.  My wife is a great example of a woman of God who can inspire them to love.  I, on the other hand can apply my heart to wisdom and learn and meditate and tear through the path of life and ripping through until I find that priceless pearl of wisdom found in Christ.  We ought to all study it as such, is it not what wisdom teaches us in the book.  Ought we not spend all we have to acquire of it.

Look at the promise wisdom makes to all of us if we are willing to listen to her:

I love those who love me

And those who seek me diligently find me.

(Proverbs 8:17)


For a long time, I have read this verse without specifically connecting its meaning while wisdom has waited for me to catch on.  It is basically saying that anyone who believes that if I work hard at observing and searching for wisdom tirelessly will find her.  She wants you to work hard at finding her and not just live a complacent life.  She wants you to put the effort into it like a courtship.


In conclusion, you need wisdom to succeed in life and so that you can pass it on to the next generation and repair the broken bridges and the gaps


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