Caring for the Community or Business

Any community that you personally care for could be called a family or a church is included in this passage in Proverbs 27:23-27.  At least according to my modern interpretation of these verses.

Know the state of your flocks, and put your heart

into caring for your herds, for riches don’t last forever,

and the crown might not be passed to the next generation.

After the hay is harvested and the new crop appears

and the mountain grasses are gathered in.

Your sheep will provide wool for clothing,

and your goats will provide the price of a field.

And you will have enough goats’ milk for yourself,

Your family, and your servant girls.”


The way I look at this passage is from a business point of view, and it is talking about a farm like business.

The key thought is “Know what is going on in your family, your church or business.  Know the members of your family or your employees and care for them.  Spend your energy in caring for your members and not just the bottom line.  A community that does not care for its members is a lousy community as far as I am concerned.  Regardless, I have been in too many jobs in my life to know who the employers were who cared for their employees.  A customer can tell and should be able to tell how the employees are treated. A business should be read like an open book.  My dad had a business for many years and I think the reason he was so successful is that he cared for his employees and paid them well. 


The crown might not be passed on…meaning that you must presently keep a good reputation and that your wealth may not go on forever that too has an end if nothing is done to keep it up.


Have multiple ways to make money not just one life might not go the way you would like with only one.  Always plan in life but mostly trust the Lord.


Use all your resources wisely and make or build things with them for your household.  It is like using equipment to build new things or make clothing according to the skills you have.


I hope this contemporary outlook on these verses has helped someone.  I cannot wait for your feedback.

Take care!






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