How to Choose Your Friends?

Good friends are hard to find but I enjoy the few good friends I have.  We get along and every once in a while, we give advise to one another.  Friends should be there to correct and rebuke but also, they should be there to share good times.  Too much of one is never good.  It needs to be balanced.  If a friend is too good to you and overly flattering, be on your guard!  If a friend is too good to be true, it is most likely that he or she is.

Choose your friends carefully and do not be too desperate to have a friend or you will be a victim.  It is better to have a few good friends than many friends who are around you to cause you troubles.

I have a heart for younger people.  I see teenagers being led into relationships that they may later in life regret.  They might think or say, “Who are you to give me advice…well I have had experiences and that should count for something.

This verse should count for something as well:

“Young people who obey the law are wise;

Those with wild friends bring shame to their parents.” (Proverbs 28:7)


I know, in today’s world young people do not give much attention to their adult parents because ‘they don’t know anything’.  Well, I had like you to know that if I had listened a bit more to my parents in teens years it would have made my life a lot easier in latter years.  Some of the addictions teenagers go through might be caused by rebellion to parents on the other hand parents might be a bad influence on their children by being addicted themselves.

Another verse spoke to me:


“Wounds from a sincere friend are better

Than many kisses from an enemy.” (Proverbs 27:6)


Let me tell you something.  Wherever you are in life, if you have a sincere friend, you can thank God for him or her.  It is better to have a couple of friends who are sincere than have many ‘friends’ who wants to give you a good time and take all your money in the process


The man of too many friends [chosen indiscriminately] will be broken in pieces and come to ruin.  But there is a [true, loving] friend who [is reliable and] sticks closer than a brother. (Proverbs 18:24 Amplified)


Whenever you decide to make Jesus your friend just remember that he is the Friend that sticks closer than a brother because no matter how many friends you have out there I can guarantee you that none of them will want to die for your sins like Jesus Christ did.  He loves you that much!




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