
Showing posts with the label Family

Happy New Year 2024

Wherever you are in this world, I hope you have had a good start.   I challenged myself about this year being for me an “I can do it” year based on the Bible. I Philippians 4:13 “I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.” Simple is it not? This is my personal challenge.   Not to do all kind of things but do those things for which Christ gives me strength. To be able to trust him to give me these things without fretting about them and for his strength to enable me to do them without fear. My prayer is for me and you to be able to do those things with his love which will represent not just actions but actions with love as an impact.   Our motivations will be very important this year.   I realize more and more as I grow older that my motives behind my actions matter more than the actions themselves.   I am persuaded that when someone cooks a meal the very love they produced in making the meal, can be tasted for many years after the meal has been digested by the people

Power of Teamwork (Nehemiah 3)

  The Power of Teamwork In any situation such as the home and work teamwork is very valuable. My wife and I have been together 35 years and a great deal of that has been because of our love for each other and team spirit in our relationship. You can incorporate the team idea to anything.   Encourage to home environment to be a team by involving the whole family to play games and engage in team activities or sports.   In doing shores together.   Even family devotion or just time well spend together other than TV watching. What destroys team spirit is the individual use of surfing on electronic devices such as phones and laptops.   The loneliness has increased since people have touch on social media.   What we thought would make us more socialized has isolated us instead. After COVID we need to team up and be a society again. For example, in the book of Nehemiah in the Bible, chapter 3.   We see that a whole community of Israelites had united and worked together to rebuild th

Family Affairs

  Family Affairs   Don’t miss it I know that we are busy in life or rather that we like to keep ourselves busy, while our infant girl or even teenager is crying silently for our attention.  They might even be desperately wanting your approval or guidance in their life.  But you will not give it to them simply because…you are lost in your business.  Love is yet an essential need of anyone of any age.  What you give to your children now is what they will give you in return when they grow up and more.  If they are miserable now chances are that you will be miserable with them when they grow up.  That is the fate we reap in our lives. Be all there My life with my children was good when I was ‘all there’ with them.  When I was not given to worry about our finances and rapped in myself with divers’ anxieties.  I enjoyed playtime with them, but not fully there.  It took us a while before I realized that I needed medications to live well.  Prior that time life was very chaotic; we mo