Are you Going to Heaven? (Romans 10:3-4)


Are you Going to Heaven? (Romans 10:3-4)

Once again, I will give you the reading of the French version of Romans 10:3-4 and then the English literal text of what it says:

V3. En effet, ils n’ont pas compris comment Dieu rend les etres humains justes devant lui et ils ont cherche a etablir leur propre justice.  Ainsi ils ne se sont pas soumis a la facon dont Dieu rend les hommes justes.

V4. Car le Christ a amene la loi a sa fin, pour que tous ceux qui croient soient rendu justes devant Dieu.

In English now:

V3. In fact, they have not understood how God make human beings just before him and they have sought to establish their own justice (or righteousness). And so they have not submitted to the way God make humans just (or righteous).

V4. Because the Christ has put an end to the Law, so that all who believe are made just (righteous or born-again Christian) before God.

 Many say they are going to Heaven, but will they?  Do they have what it takes?  No, no one needs special skills like on the job.  You don’t need a degree or good looks.  You just need to know the way of God there.  Jesus has given us all the answers before he died and rose again from the dead.  No one has or can use any excuse.  Jesus, specifically, said that he is the Way to the Father (John 14:6).  All we must do is follow it in the Father.  It is very simple unless you still don’t want to understand.  If you don’t want to understand, then no one can help you no matter how hard they try.  Believing is all that anyone must do to make it to heaven.  Believing is like to  rest from all your works here on earth.  It is to trust in your Heavenly Father once and for all and keeping on trusting him till you die.  Then you will celebrate for Eternity who Jesus Christ is, the Lamb of God.

To be a born-again Christian is not being religion.  It is not going to church every Sunday, but it is belonging to Christ and to the Church which is his Body here on earth.



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