
Where is your Joy?

  Where is your Joy? You may have heard this before, “For where your treasure is, there your heart will be there also” (Matthew 6:21). Simple is it not?  Jesus spoke that, your heart will go wherever you put your treasure.  It is so true and yet so many of us are convinced that money should be our treasure.  I, even sometimes struggle with that one.  Yet I know deep down in my heart that Jesus should be my treasure.  Even people can become my treasure and other things can take his spot.  But they will not satisfy.  Only the things that are eternal in value. Why is that?   Because the things of the earth perish, like food, money, sex are going to disappear.   Not that those things are bad in themselves, but they will not make you satisfied and happy as the joy of being with your everlasting Savior and Lord.   If you want lasting joy, find it there and not in your pocket. When the crowd around Jesus was abandoning him because they could not take in his teaching anymore.   He asked

Not Just Nice Words (John 15:22 -16:1)

  Not just nice words (John 15:22 – 16:1) Chapter 15:4 Abide in Jesus like a branch abide in the Vine.    He is the Vine Chapter 15:9 Abide in my Love, in my commandments. You are my friends. Abide and you will bear fruit. Chapter 15:18-21 As a result of the fruit in your life persecution will come. As it is for Jesus it will be for you.  The Love that perspires out of your life is too much for them to take. To make a long story shorter, I feel that our call is to abide in Christ who is the Vine and that out of this abiding Love will blossom in our lives and affect others.  When it Love comes to you don’t stop it and when it goes out of you, that Love don’t stop it.  This wind of love will affect in turn the world who will see Jesus and like they did to him, they will persecute you.  But here is the part I am excited about (Chapter 15:26). During these changes, the Holy Spirit who is a person not a thing will be with you and as you keep doing his commandments.  He, the Holy Spirit who

From the Heart by B.Demaere: Don't be so hard on yourself (Joel 2:25) (2 Corint...

From the Heart by B.Demaere: Don't be so hard on yourself (Joel 2:25) (2 Corint... :   Don’t be so hard on yourself. Don’t be so hard on yourself.  I used to hear that often in my downcast state of depression.  Maybe people...

Don't be so hard on yourself (Joel 2:25) (2 Corinthians 1:3)

  Don’t be so hard on yourself. Don’t be so hard on yourself.  I used to hear that often in my downcast state of depression.  Maybe people who are often depressed are too hard on themselves.  There seems to be a commonality. Have you heard that also? Maybe too often? What it meant in my life was that I would be anxious about what my accomplishment be or be worried about other people’s opinion were.   Beat myself regularly because of my past mistakes. Look at me, my past still matters to me more than my present.   Consequently, living in the past was poor thought management because while our children were growing up, I forgot some of the history.   I was editing out the filming of my own life.   So, living in the past cheats you out of quality of your life.   I recommend living in the present and looking forward to the future.   Living in the past can leave the person filled with regrets.   My comfort is in God, and I can trust him that he will use my own troubles and use them

From the Heart by B.Demaere: Embrace Yourself (Psalm 54:4)

From the Heart by B.Demaere: Embrace Yourself (Psalm 54:4) :   Embrace Yourself Embracing yourself, we hear a lot about it these days.  What does it mean? Well, personally, I think relating to my m...

Embrace Yourself (Psalm 54:4)

  Embrace Yourself Embracing yourself, we hear a lot about it these days.  What does it mean? Well, personally, I think relating to my mental illness it means that I had to pass from hating it to welcoming it as part of my life.   Make the most of every opportunity.   Use this weakness as a strength to push myself and motivate myself to be better in my life.   My mental illness is no longer a motivation to do wrong but to do right.   My mental illness is not a sin but a weakness that I can use as a stepping stool instead of a crutch.   This is my success story.   What is yours? Please leave a comment below. Embracing yourself is like giving yourself a big bear hug.   Not for what you have accomplished but for who you are.   You are a special person. I was watching a descriptive educational video at my church of the birth process inside the womb.   It was so interesting!   The conclusion I came up with is that anyone who makes it through the birth canal is in my eyes, A WINNER!

From the Heart by B.Demaere: Power of Teamwork (Nehemiah 3)

From the Heart by B.Demaere: Power of Teamwork (Nehemiah 3) :   The Power of Teamwork In any situation such as the home and work teamwork is very valuable. My wife and I have been together 35 years ...