Where is your Joy?


Where is your Joy?

You may have heard this before, “For where your treasure is, there your heart will be there also” (Matthew 6:21). Simple is it not?  Jesus spoke that, your heart will go wherever you put your treasure.  It is so true and yet so many of us are convinced that money should be our treasure.  I, even sometimes struggle with that one.  Yet I know deep down in my heart that Jesus should be my treasure.  Even people can become my treasure and other things can take his spot.  But they will not satisfy.  Only the things that are eternal in value.

Why is that?  Because the things of the earth perish, like food, money, sex are going to disappear.  Not that those things are bad in themselves, but they will not make you satisfied and happy as the joy of being with your everlasting Savior and Lord.  If you want lasting joy, find it there and not in your pocket.

When the crowd around Jesus was abandoning him because they could not take in his teaching anymore.  He asked his twelve disciples if they were going to leave him as well.  They answered him: “Where will we go; you have the words of Life”. (John 6:66-69) They were satisfied in knowing Jesus at that moment. When you know the Truth, it is very difficult to leave it and yet we are so weak and tempted. (v.70,71) We need the Holy Spirit of God to guide us and teach us to do what is right.  Yet it is the Truth that will set you free. (John 8:32)

The Truth encompass everything that is related to eternal values. Jesus is the everlasting Truth.

Yes, you will probably ask:  Is there no truth in the world?  Some truth in the world is inspired by God.  But not all truth is eternal.

The message of this blog is, to keep your heart in true values that will truly satisfy you.  Values that are not just passing and leave you discouraged in the end.


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