
From the Heart by B.Demaere: Make Your life Better

From the Heart by B.Demaere: Make Your life Better : I have seen many people hurting mentally and I want to make an impact on society while helping these people.  I have been hurting a great de...

Make Your life Better

I have seen many people hurting mentally and I want to make an impact on society while helping these people.  I have been hurting a great deal from my mind.  I have found that medications are not always enough but that they help getting you into a right frame of mind to be able to cope with your life. Some of you might know what I am talking about: Have you ever felt lonely to the point of it chocking you. Have you ever felt depressed to the point of suicide.  There is a very fine line there that should not be crossed. All this to say, that no medications  are not the only help you should get with depression.   Assuredly, you must deal with the issues that would if dealt with could help you move on.  Don't just pop pills and hope for the best. Life is full of issues we must take responsibilities for.  Start on taking control of your life.  For example: Budgets can be overwhelming for people with mental illness, but just spending less and being more careful what you do with it, is a

From the Heart by B.Demaere: God First

From the Heart by B.Demaere: God First :   God First Questioning God: Why?        We can, of course question God to learn from Him.   Even if we ask him “Why…” he is never shor...

God First

  God First Questioning God: Why?        We can, of course question God to learn from Him.   Even if we ask him “Why…” he is never short of answers.  The answers are right there in his word where he also says in Hosea 4:6 “My people are destroyed from lack of knowledge. Because you have rejected knowledge.”        We, indeed, have rejected knowledge by not paying attention to it and by being indifferent to it or to Him. In times of revival, we must listen attentively to what God is saying to us.   What is a revival? It is a time of outpouring of the Holy Spirit of God calling back everyone from every country to come to know God more and more.   During that time the knowledge of God is revealed more deeply and the whole world is called to attention.         Do you want to be part of this? God has all the answers. To all our problems and more “Why should the living complain when punished for their sins”. (Lamentation 3:39 (NIV)  The answer is: We bring it on ourselves, but

From the Heart by B.Demaere: Guard your Heart (Psalm 119:9)

From the Heart by B.Demaere: Guard your Heart (Psalm 119:9) :   Guard your Heart   “How can a young man keep his way pure? By guarding it, according to your Word.” (Psalm 119:9)   Your spiritual...

Guard your Heart (Psalm 119:9)

  Guard your Heart   “How can a young man keep his way pure? By guarding it, according to your Word.” (Psalm 119:9)   Your spiritual heart   Heart is the seat of life; you make it a throne to whoever or whatever is important to you.  Physically, the heart is the junction of many highways filled with blood and the blood means life to you and God.  Therefore, it is important to guard your heart with a breastplate.  It is important to guard your life.  Today, many people experience a lot of stress for different reasons.  One reason might be that in our society we have taught ourselves that saying “no” to different things is a bad answer.  We say to our children, “Don’t say ‘no’ to me”.  This does not encourage open communication.  What I am trying to say is that by not saying ‘no’ we create stress in our lives and the highways of our heart are opened to whatever we failed to filter through.  Saying ‘no’ is healthy. Depending on the circumstances   According to your Word

From the Heart by B.Demaere: Be a Forward Thinker

From the Heart by B.Demaere: Be a Forward Thinker :   Be a Forward Thinker   Not rear-view minded   I used to be one of those rear-view mirrors minded person who focuses constantly on ...