Guard your Heart (Psalm 119:9)


Guard your Heart


“How can a young man keep his way pure? By guarding it, according to your Word.” (Psalm 119:9)


Your spiritual heart


Heart is the seat of life; you make it a throne to whoever or whatever is important to you.  Physically, the heart is the junction of many highways filled with blood and the blood means life to you and God.  Therefore, it is important to guard your heart with a breastplate.  It is important to guard your life.  Today, many people experience a lot of stress for different reasons.  One reason might be that in our society we have taught ourselves that saying “no” to different things is a bad answer.  We say to our children, “Don’t say ‘no’ to me”.  This does not encourage open communication.  What I am trying to say is that by not saying ‘no’ we create stress in our lives and the highways of our heart are opened to whatever we failed to filter through.  Saying ‘no’ is healthy. Depending on the circumstances


According to your Word


Very important part of the verse.  It is important to interpret the Scriptures correctly.  Every part of the Word of God is important.  Here, your ways or your heart must be kept according to his Word.  In line with his Word.  In agreement with the Bible which is the Only Truth of God.  Everything else has failed the canonical test in which all the rules of interpretation had to agree.  At last, in our life we find after trying several experiences that the Bible is the only one who withstand the test of time.


Our Response


Apart from our own pride and stubbornness, our favorable response should be one of repentance if our ways have deviated from his Word.  Let’s not beat around the bush and admit our wrongs and make things right with our Maker.  He is waiting for reconciliation through his Son Jesus Christ.  He loves enough to die for our wrongs that we may live forever after we pass away.  There is hope for us.  Our spirit must live on by this decision we each make.  Accept him today!


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