
A Splash of Coffee, Perhaps? ( Matthew 17:20-21)

  A Splash of Coffee, Perhaps?   Some things happen to you that are weird and close to be classified as miracles.   Since I do not believe in luck, what happened to me was a miracle.   Now that both my wife and I are retired we do not have to go anywhere past noon.   The Life.   On top of that we both can enjoy breakfast in bed.   I prepare the breakfast (toasts) and coffee.   Keep it simple! This morning I poured the coffee from the machine to a carafe to carry it upstairs.   For that, I needed my portable stereo, the cups, and the carafe…. In the whole process, I did not realize that the carafe was tipped toward my feet and that coffee was pouring out onto the floor (5 cm or 2 inches from my bare feet).   As I realized what was happening and lost all that coffee on the ground.   It was a bit later I became fully aware of the miracle.   I could have been burned with hot liquid and not be able to wear shoes or drive.   As it happened, I did not even get splashed. My question to y

From the Heart by B.Demaere: Misunderstanding (John 8:32) (John 14:6)

From the Heart by B.Demaere: Misunderstanding (John 8:32) (John 14:6) :   Misunderstanding I hear from a few people that are not of the Christian faith accusing us Christians of forcing them in our faith.  I am...

Misunderstanding (John 8:32) (John 14:6)

  Misunderstanding I hear from a few people that are not of the Christian faith accusing us Christians of forcing them in our faith.  I am sure what they mean is that they feel convicted by the Holy Spirit. Let us be clear on that.   If you feel convicted by the Holy Spirit to accept Jesus Christ as your Saviour and are sorry for your sins, then moving on the next step and becoming a Christian is the way to go.   Believe me, it’s like moving from homeless to being set free from all bondage and heavy loads and hurts. It is God freeing you and it is wonderful to have a relationship like that.   To illustrated: Salvation is moving from a lonely place to a place where you have one relationship that lasts and is satisfying to its fullest if you obey God. Before I became a Christian, I was always angry and hateful at myself and others but the very day I became a Christian on March 21, 1979, I was a changed man, and I sang songs to God without anyone telling me to do it and was given a Fre

From the Heart by B.Demaere: Death meet Jesus - Jesus meet Death (Isaiah 53:3)

From the Heart by B.Demaere: Death meet Jesus - Jesus meet Death (Isaiah 53:3) :   Jesus being the Son of God had never experienced death before that the time of the crucifixion at Calvary.  He had never experienced suf...

Death meet Jesus - Jesus meet Death (Isaiah 53:3)

  Jesus being the Son of God had never experienced death before that the time of the crucifixion at Calvary.  He had never experienced suffering at this level.  He became acquainted with it as it says in Isaiah 53:3. This whole chapter talks about him in the future.  For death as well it was a new encounter.  What a surprise it would have been when life gushed out of the tomb on the third day.  Death had never seen such an adversary like Jesus.  Death was beaten and defeated.  At the Cross, death thought it had won but at the Resurrection it was defeated for sure.  What a victory over anything that claimed to be associated with death like sin, sickness, and infirmities. Now in this world of enmities and injustice, it looks like death is still victorious but not so fast.   God has reserved a time for Justice to take place and he will indeed have to last word.   In the Book of the Revelation of Jesus Christ and at the end of your Bible he has already written the last chapters.   The

From the Heart by B.Demaere: The Seed must die first (John 12:24)

From the Heart by B.Demaere: The Seed must die first (John 12:24) :   The Seed must die first   I got so excited about the deep subject of death that here I am again bringing it to you with renewed vision...

The Seed must die first (John 12:24)

  The Seed must die first   I got so excited about the deep subject of death that here I am again bringing it to you with renewed vision.   Most people out there are excited (maybe a bit) about life.   They ‘want a better life’. In John 12:24 Jesus seems to present it from a different angle: “Very truly I tell you, unless a kernel Of wheat falls to the ground and dies, It remains only a single seed. But if it dies, it produces many seeds.”   To me, it simply means that to experience the true life you and I need to figuratively die (Be careful here I did not mean literally).   It just means that your self-desired life must die first before you can live a life where you will be truly satisfied.   Not seeking self, but God’s desires for your life.   The seed must die in the ground before there is an explosion of life producing a plant and fruits.   Just think of what will become of you when figuratively you will die, and life eternal will come to you in its fullness.   In life’s princ