A Splash of Coffee, Perhaps? ( Matthew 17:20-21)


A Splash of Coffee, Perhaps?

 Some things happen to you that are weird and close to be classified as miracles.  Since I do not believe in luck, what happened to me was a miracle.  Now that both my wife and I are retired we do not have to go anywhere past noon.  The Life.  On top of that we both can enjoy breakfast in bed.  I prepare the breakfast (toasts) and coffee.  Keep it simple!

This morning I poured the coffee from the machine to a carafe to carry it upstairs.  For that, I needed my portable stereo, the cups, and the carafe…. In the whole process, I did not realize that the carafe was tipped toward my feet and that coffee was pouring out onto the floor (5 cm or 2 inches from my bare feet).  As I realized what was happening and lost all that coffee on the ground.  It was a bit later I became fully aware of the miracle.  I could have been burned with hot liquid and not be able to wear shoes or drive.  As it happened, I did not even get splashed.

My question to you is: Have you often been saved from having an accident like that and you have called it ‘luck’.  Well, it is not luck, luck does not exist.  It is God who is in control and even if some accident would happen to you, he would still be in control.  Why, you ask?  I don’t know but God knows.  All that I have observed is this, our hearts are sometimes very hard, and we need to be brutally called back to God and he can do it because he is God of the Universe.  He is not like any other gods that we have made for ourselves.  He has always existed from Eternity, forever.  No one made him. That is just wonderful and that is why we all need the kind of faith that can move mountains.  Not the kind of faith that brings us to church every Sunday and that is all it does.  Please leave a message and let me know what you think. Thank you for your support! Without you there would not be any reasons to write.

'Nothing will be impossible to you' (Matthew 17:21)



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