
Job 29:19,20

For I am like a tree whose roots reach the water, whose branches are refreshed with the dew.  New honours are constantly bestowed onme, and my strength is continually renewed. At this time in his life Job had experienced his own personal plague.  You talk about chaos he received it all from losing his children to being personally attacked physically.  It was ugly!  The coronavirus doesn't even come close to what he endured.  And now,  he is able to speak this into his life as he recalls his former blessings..."I am like a tree..."      (Check out also Jeremiah 17:7,8) What if we spoke that word over ourselves everyday?  What a difference would that make?  What do you say to yourself?  What kind of tree are you?  A weeping willow or an oak Do you notice a certain dignity and majesty in most trees as they stand tall and robust? How are you doing with what's going on around you? Are you on top of everything or down in the dirt?  I know myself I struggle, but writin

Isaiah 42:16

I will lead blind Israel down a new path, guiding them along an unfamiliar way, I make the darkness bright before them and smooth out the road ahead of them  This is an encouraging word as God unexpectedly lead his children by unfamiliar ways that are very well planned by God himself. He even will smooth out the road for them. Are you wondering where he is leading you. Have no fear he knows.