
Exploring the Bible by B.Demaere: A Call to the Backsliders (Zephaniah 1:4-6) (Zepha...

Exploring the Bible by B.Demaere: A Call to the Backsliders (Zephaniah 1:4-6) (Zepha... : I totally agree that we are in the dispensation of Grace, but I also know that God has a time to hold people to account.  A time to let them...

A Call to the Backsliders (Zephaniah 1:4-6) (Zephaniah 1:12)

I totally agree that we are in the dispensation of Grace, but I also know that God has a time to hold people to account.  A time to let them know that their good time is over.  I believe that Zephaniah is very relevant to us today.  It is just that we should have read it earlier. In Zephaniah 1:4-6, God deals always in love with what it looks like the backsliders, those that have a divided heart toward him. "I will put an end to all the idolatrous priests, so that even the memory of them will disappear.  For they go up to their roofs and bow to the sun, moon and stars .  They claim to follow the Lord, but then they worship Molech, too.   So now I will destroy them!  And I will destroy those who used to worship me but now no longer do.  They no longer ask for the Lord's guidance or seek my blessings. Then there is the word in Zephaniah 1:12 "I will search with lanterns in Jerusalem's darkest corners to find and punish those who sit contented in their sins, indifferent

Exploring the Bible by B.Demaere: Overwhelmed? (Psalm 142: 2-3)

Exploring the Bible by B.Demaere: Overwhelmed? (Psalm 142: 2-3) :   I pour out my complaints before him and tell him all my troubles.  For I am overwhelmed, and you alone know the way I should turn... Are y...

Overwhelmed? (Psalm 142: 2-3)

  I pour out my complaints before him and tell him all my troubles.  For I am overwhelmed, and you alone know the way I should turn... Are you overwhelmed? Stressed? Finances maybe?  Have no fear God tells me, even though things may seem out of sync and has the effect of a tornado sweeping through your life.  God is near!  He is still in control when all seems to turn away from you.  He is faithful through the ages.  He was faithful to Abraham when he promised to him the nations that would be born out of him.  He will also be faithful to you.  He doesn't go back on his word.  He is not like most politicians you might know.  His word stays true and will be accomplished. When I am overwhelmed like sometimes you are, I feel trapped and cornered.  The only direction to look is upward where our help come from.  We, then like the psalmist need to ask God for direction.  Ironic is it not? Since humanly, you have nowhere to go.  But God is supernatural and he can take you out of that corne

Exploring the Bible by B.Demaere: The Comforts of the Christian Life (Obadiah 1:1-21...

Exploring the Bible by B.Demaere: The Comforts of the Christian Life (Obadiah 1:1-21... : And why? Because of the violence you did to your relatives in Israel.  Now you will be destroyed completely and filled with shame forever.  ...

The Comforts of the Christian Life (Obadiah 1:1-21) (selected verses 10-11)

And why? Because of the violence you did to your relatives in Israel.  Now you will be destroyed completely and filled with shame forever.  For you deserted your relatives  in Israel during their time of greatest  need.  You stood aloof, refusing to lift a finger to help when foreign invaders carried off their wealth and cast lots to divide up Jerusalem.  You acted as though you were on of Israel's enemies.  (Obadiah 10-11) Hi everyone, The book of Obadiah: Obadiah means servant, worshipper of Jehovah I am going to make a bit of a review on the book of Obadiah in the Bible.  The goal is hopefully to encourage you to all read it as it is one of the least read book in the Bible. We have to approach every book of prophecy in the Bible with faith and not fear. This book offers incredible comfort to the people of God as they are protected by Him.  But a great retribution to the nations who rise against them.  In this case Edom vs Israel. In the middle of this book of Obadiah, there is a

Exploring the Bible by B.Demaere: He is Coming and yes it is soon! (2 Peter 3:2-4)

Exploring the Bible by B.Demaere: He is Coming and yes it is soon! (2 Peter 3:2-4) :  First, I want to remind  you that in the last days there will be scoffers who will laugh at the truth and do every evil thing they desire. ...