The Comforts of the Christian Life (Obadiah 1:1-21) (selected verses 10-11)

And why? Because of the violence you did to your relatives in Israel.  Now you will be destroyed completely and filled with shame forever.  For you deserted your relatives  in Israel during their time of greatest  need.  You stood aloof, refusing to lift a finger to help when foreign invaders carried off their wealth and cast lots to divide up Jerusalem.  You acted as though you were on of Israel's enemies.  (Obadiah 10-11)

Hi everyone,

The book of Obadiah: Obadiah means servant, worshipper of Jehovah

I am going to make a bit of a review on the book of Obadiah in the Bible.  The goal is hopefully to encourage you to all read it as it is one of the least read book in the Bible.

We have to approach every book of prophecy in the Bible with faith and not fear.

This book offers incredible comfort to the people of God as they are protected by Him.  But a great retribution to the nations who rise against them.  In this case Edom vs Israel.

In the middle of this book of Obadiah, there is a series of eight: "You shouldn't have..."

This book also shows God's love for Israel and as well today, for the Church.

It basically shows me that any nations that have despised Israel and made her suffer will regret it soon or later because the vengeance of God is a terrible thing.  Not only that but the nations who have done nothing to help her in her time of need will also suffer the consequences.  It reminds me of the nations who stood still at the executions of millions of Jews  in gas chambers during WWII.  I am sure God has not forgotten and he knows when you mock them and despise them in your heart,  the Jews, the precious people of God from its origin.  The same is true of the true people of God, the Church who is the bride of Christ. The ones who walk in mercy and grace are the true Church of God.  Many are rising in the Church today who don't have any of them and they are the wolves in sheep's clothing.

The book of Obadiah when studied offers great comfort to the individual Christian, the person who follows Christ and loves him with all of his or her heart can be sure that God will protect him or her against the proud.  Yes, the Christian life seems unattractive at first for a reason.  It sifts through and brings out the gold and with the gold God by his grace accomplishes the unbelievable, the impossible in this world.  The Christian life seems unattractive to the outsider but it has amazing benefits and one of them is God's protection.

So look out world for what is coming lest you repent.

Have a great day!


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