
God's Ways are Perfect (1 Corinthians 1-2)

According to 1 Corinthians 1 and 2... The message of the Cross is foolishness to the lost, but wisdom and power to the people of God.  We are saved against any humanly impossible condition.  Humanly speaking God’s love for us cannot be reasoned since the wisdom of man cannot bring us to God (1 Corinthians 1:21).  Human wisdom is too weak to even comprehend God’s ways.  We who are born-again believers have cause to rejoice in this, that Christ did not die in vain but saved us beyond our understanding.     It does not make sense that I who has a mental illness should be given the privilege to give the message I have been given .  Come on God there must be someone better than me among 8 billion ?  But it is his delight to entrust his message to the weak because that is given in power .  Obviously, God must be looking at other aspect to qualify someone because to the world I was a nobody.   No one can know a person’s thoughts except that person’s own spirit, and no one can know God’s thou

Do not compare yourself

  My wife and I went to church last Sunday to a wonderful service.  The worship was great! The preaching was on Hebrews 11 one of my favorite chapters in the Bible.  On the exploits of men and women of Faith. After the service I talked with someone and became increasingly depressed.  I could not understand why. I had compared my life to those heroes and felt lousy.  What was wrong with me?  Why did I not measure up to them? 1)     The whole picture: I should have known better.  There was a blind spot and I felt like prey in the enemy's hands.  I had not gone into the details of these heroes' lives.  Some look very humans and like Elijah I was depressed when I did not get God’s perspective on the subject. I had looked at their victories, but I missed the part where it said that some did not receive what was promised   In fact, I remember when the pastor expressed jokingly his displeasure at the word “But” in verse 35 when it says “But others were tortured, refusing to turn

Consistency is the name of the game

 Hello everyone It appears that my laptop is not connected to the internet and I have not figured out what is wrong yet. So I am writing this blog via my phone. The main challenge I have for myself and for those of you who want to participate is this: 1) Consistency in abiding in Christ . It’s so easy to miss this. We can abide but maybe not as long as we want to. We abide maybe 5 minutes and then slip in the flesh. Consistency every hour of every day takes practice. Let’s get better at it 2) Consistency in giving : I was raised in home where giving to the church was discouraged and made fun of. Yet from the time I became born again I have opened up and practiced consistency  with my giving. The Lord has blessed me over the years  3) Consistency in Life : another challenge is that of being consistent in loving others and having a plan in doing it.  We like to be creative at times…Why not be creative in the art of loving others. We look to google for many things but we can also look for

When the Word doesn't produce fruit Hello I have some technical issues with my laptop.  Anyway, I thought I would do something different and introduce you to another minister, Kim Potter. I read this article and was very encouraged.  When I put in practice what she was teaching I got my answer. When you press on the link above you will see different posts appear.  Look for the post with the same title than this post. We are chocking the Word in our life by our own worldly cares.  Our prayers might not be answered because we don't cast our cares on him. So now please read this article and see if you get the same thing I do. Have a blessed day!

There is Now No Condemnation (Romans 8)

  There is Now No Condemnation “Therefore there is now no condemnation [no guilty verdict, no punishment] for those who are in Christ Jesus [who believe Him as personal Lord and Savior] “(Romans 8:1 Amplified) For many years, as a Christian I could not relate to this verse because I was still living with guilt.   I must have been living my Christian life in the chapter 7 and still under the Law.   No Christian should live under the Law and yet many do because many feel a constant guilt being under Satan’s trap.   If you live your life in chapter 7 you will feel guilty but once you cross into this chapter 8 and live by the Spirit, the condemnation is gone. There is a need for more teaching in the Church about guilt and conviction.   You can be convicted by the Spirit about your sins, but you can feel guilty about them as well. When you live by the Spirit, he will head your life if you are honest with him about your sins.   If you are hiding from him, you are in trouble.   Confes

God Has a Time For This (Psalm 27:4)

1)       Spare time? As a retire man like everybody else I have a lot of ‘spare’ time and yet all that time should be and does belong to God.   Spare time is a name we give generally to the time that we want to waste away. Our attitude must be that all that time is the Lord’s.   Since we gave our lives to him. 2)       God willing After I read an inspirational devotional in Bear Grylls’s book entitled “Soul Fuel” about “God Willing” I must agree with him that my decisions and plans should only be taken with God in mind as he is willing or not to fulfill them.   (If you remember Bear Grylls as the one in the TV series, “Running Wild with Bear Grylls” on Global TV.) Our (God’s and my) plans should not be determined by my shortcomings but by his ability to fulfill them. 3)       First things first If at the very beginning, we put him first we will be securing the best results for our lives and not have to put up with mediocrity.   This is harder for me than anyone as I r

Why Is Jesus Alive Today?

        1) Jesus, the only One alive today Of all the prophets and teachers that lived Jesus is the only one who rose from the dead and is still alive today.   Just think of this for a moment if a religious leader is dead why do we worship him as being alive.   Jesus Christ is the only one who is alive, and we worship him as such. In Matthew 28, we see the grave is empty because Jesus rose from the dead and the angels proclaim it. 22)       The Life that Qualifies us He is alive so he could live but why would Jesus live?   Because all along God planned to reach the world so he could save the world starting with the Jews all the way to the last of human being.   He does not want anyone to miss this good news.   The purpose of Jesus being alive is to forgive humans their sins and give them eternal life in quantity and quality.   Eternal life is the life Jesus is made of.   His teachings and lifestyle represent quality which is higher than any other religious teachers.   The quali