Why Is Jesus Alive Today?


     1) Jesus, the only One alive today

Of all the prophets and teachers that lived Jesus is the only one who rose from the dead and is still alive today.  Just think of this for a moment if a religious leader is dead why do we worship him as being alive.  Jesus Christ is the only one who is alive, and we worship him as such.

In Matthew 28, we see the grave is empty because Jesus rose from the dead and the angels proclaim it.

22)      The Life that Qualifies us

He is alive so he could live but why would Jesus live?  Because all along God planned to reach the world so he could save the world starting with the Jews all the way to the last of human being.  He does not want anyone to miss this good news.  The purpose of Jesus being alive is to forgive humans their sins and give them eternal life in quantity and quality.  Eternal life is the life Jesus is made of.  His teachings and lifestyle represent quality which is higher than any other religious teachers.  The quality of life that Jesus preached was the quality of life that God has for you.  Not necessarily wealth and health but hope for a better future into eternal life.

That is why Jesus died and live today.  To be in your life and make you a better person with a change of attitude and heart.

33)      Hope is out of this World

Hope is not everywhere in this world and not every religion has it.  The living God is the only one who has hope and it fits everyone’s heart.  If you study the world’s religions and compare them to Christianity, you will find that all of them deny his death on the Cross and the living and resurrection of Jesus Christ in a body.  That shows that what makes Christianity what it is, is taken away to please humans and deceive them.

44)      Do your Homework

I am not trying to convince anybody; I am just saying to you to do your homework before judging anyone and you will know the Truth and be set free.

The bottom line is that Jesus died on the Cross to forgive your sins and everyone else’s and no other religion teaches this and on top of that he rose from the dead and is alive today and coming back to take us home.  Why is this being considered so carefully by most people?  Because of unbelief.  God never lies.


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