
Status Quo, Long term? (Jeremiah 33)

    Are you ever uncomfortable in your own skin ?  I am, I cannot accept the status quo in any area of my life .   I like the newness of life .  I get bored easily.   Are you a lover of routine? I like routine but I like changes as well.   Status quo means the existing state, the present state of a situation. These are areas we accept status quo .  Our meals, our homes, and our countries.   There is one who might not like the status quo .  He may find your routine boring, you use different recipes .  You could change your home decor and what about your country? Sometimes, God does not like the status quo    Are you happy with the violence and drugs being legal in your country ?  Do you ever think of what the long-term effect might have on your children or grandchildren if things do not change?  I do.   There is another status quo we must be aware of .  There are thousands of people choosing evil rather than good every day .  That should make us cringe.   I found a word in Jeremiah 3