Status Quo, Long term? (Jeremiah 33)

 Data concept


Are you ever uncomfortable in your own skinI am, I cannot accept the status quo in any area of my life.  I like the newness of lifeI get bored easily. 

Are you a lover of routine? I like routine but I like changes as well. 

Status quo means the existing state, the present state of a situation.

These are areas we accept status quoOur meals, our homes, and our countries. 

There is one who might not like the status quoHe may find your routine boring, you use different recipesYou could change your home decor and what about your country? Sometimes, God does not like the status quo  

Are you happy with the violence and drugs being legal in your countryDo you ever think of what the long-term effect might have on your children or grandchildren if things do not change?  I do. 

There is another status quo we must be aware ofThere are thousands of people choosing evil rather than good every dayThat should make us cringe. 

I found a word in Jeremiah 33 that could fit any country in the worldAsk yourself if God is concern about the way your country is goingThere is something you can do...It is to believe him for a change and pray for that change to happen.  When you do that thank him for what you expect to take place. 

 How is the Holy Spirit moving in your life?  Stagnant?  Seek God then for your own spirit and do not accept status quo in any personal way.  As you do your country will change also.  One home at a time. 

Look at Jeremiah 33:6-9 and could we put your country instead of Israel and Judah? Could God treat your country the same he did for them back then? I am sure he can. Nothing is too difficult for him 

Nevertheless, the time will come when I will heal Jerusalem’s wounds and give it prosperity and true peace. I will restore the fortune of Judah and Israel and rebuild their towns. I will cleanse them of their sins against me and forgive their sins of rebellion. Then this city will bring me joy, glory, and honor before all the nations of the earth! The people of the world will see all the good I do for my people, and they will tremble with awe at the peace and prosperity I provide for them.”  

Yes, your country, your life and your family do not have to stay the way they are now. There is always room for improvement and change. What is God’s vision for them? Hopelessness is not of God, he offers hope, and he can make changes happen for you. Believe he can and pray. 


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