What Should We Do? (Luke 3:10)


The crowd asked, "What should we do?" (Luke 3:10)

Actually simple, yet so hard for the human nature to admit.  Our desperate need for help.  It is in itself a mystery.  Here we have a finite human being turning from God's helping hand.  Look at how available God is, ready anytime to give you whatever you need.

Unfortunately, one of our biggest downfall as a society has been to run the show on our own.  God meant for us to only be stewards of what he has already given us to enjoy.  Accordingly, in simplicity of faith, we, as the manager of this world should simply bow our knees to God and ask this simple question:  "What should we do?"

We are all equally so corrupted before our blameless and holy God.  Our Creator is not looking to us for answers about the political status of the world.  Our Judge, certainly, doesn't want us to point fingers at others who are already in the same boat that we are.  Indeed, he just wants us to ask questions and plenty of them to show our humble attitude.

What should we do?

This same question is asked two more times and in all these three situations John the Baptist reply with common sense answers.

1) To the crowd he answers:

Share your clothes and food with the poor.

2) To the corrupt tax collector, he simply says: (v.12)

Show your honesty.  Make sure that you don't  tax people more than is required.

3) To the soldiers, he answers: (v.14)

Don't extort money and don't accuse the innocent.  Be content with your pay.

Additionally, all of these points have one connection.  They are all connected by holiness.

Obviously, John, the Baptist was certain of this one thing.  To make ready the people before the coming of the Messiah was to show them the high value of contentment and holiness...Share, be honest and be content!

Maybe soon, Jesus Christ, the Messiah will come again.  Shall we let him clothes us with holiness or live for ourselves?




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