At Lazarus's Funeral (John 11:43)


Then Jesus shouted, "Lazarus come out!"  (John 11:43)

Hi everyone, I am having a good rest and enjoying it.  I was glad to find out that a lot more people are reading these posts that my stats show.  It's encouraging.  I thank you all for that.

An interesting observation:  Why are emotions running so high at funerals and weddings and not in other events of life?

Do we burry our emotions for everything else?  We seem to be living in a world that is contrary to emotions and opinions.  What do you think?

Anyway, that's what I feel and when you deal with mental illness like I do it becomes very challenging to be part of a robot like society that does not want opinions shared and receive any display of emotions favorably.  It's hard to see and feel such a treatment.  Do you find that as well?

I am still reading that book "Anatomy of the Soul" by Dr Curt Thompson who is a psychiatrist.  He talks about emotions being very important in relationships with others all the way from the crib to grave and everything in between and with our connection with others and God.  God responds to our emotions like everyone else.

In that light, I am reading though the Gospel of John and more precisely at Lazarus's funeral.  I am noticing a clear difference between the two sisters, Mary and Martha.  More particularly, which one weep and didn't.  There was a different attitude between them.  Indeed, Mar y was with the mourners and Martha wasn't.  Even Jesus wept.  Emotions all over.  Are not emotions right?  Are we not allowed to grieve?  In Eastern countries grieving is taken very seriously.  Grieving is a way of healing.  Do we grieve enough in Western society?  We seem to go through one loss after another and never seem to get over it emotionally and then we wonder why we have such a high rate of mentally 'disabled' people.  Disabled is what I call them because it cause our society to be gravely lacking in the workplace and family involvement.  Let me ask you and to any mechanics out there.  What happens when a machine runs on 50 %?  I would guess it would die sooner or overheat.  Society cannot last much longer on 50 % of its pistons.  The level of production would lower.  Mental and emotional capacity in a job or in life is very important.  Happy employees produce better.

You decide!

Finally, the one who calls himself the Resurrection and the Life.  After the tomb had been opened after Lazarus had been in there dead for 4 days.  It stank, but Jesus didn't mind looking into it and call forth Lazarus back to life.

And, he can do the same for you.  Looking over into your life everything that is dead and rotten and 'stinketh'  and give you a new life full of emotions and healed by his resurrection.  Rise up and take hold of it now!

A miracle happened just as I am writing this: A song playing online called "Rise up Lazarus!"  Amazing! God is good!


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