The Unfair Trial (Luke 23:1-25)

Jesus Christ should be the focus of our hope.

 Let's go back to the Word of God.  I am just finishing my reading of the Gospel of Luke 23:1-25 which is: The trial of Jesus.  If there ever was an unfair trial in history here it was of a truly innocent man and so humiliating it was the trial of your Savior and mine.  He did it all for us.

First of all, he was tossed back and forth between Pilate  and Herod.  They could not determine who was to run the trial.  What really tick them off was what upset a lot of people today.  He had claimed to be the Son of God and the Messiah.  This is why there are so many cults and religions today, yet meanwhile even the demons and Satan believe that Jesus Christ is the Son of God.  If those people would at least read it in the Scriptures.  Demons were afraid of Jesus's deity. (Luke 4:40-41) is an example.

Some were possessed by demons and the demons came out at his command, shouting, "You are the Son of God."  But because they knew he was the Messiah, he stopped them and told them to be silent.

Secondly, Pilate throughout the trial claimed several times (Luke 23:4, 14-15 and 22) that he found nothing wrong with Jesus and he just wanted to let him go and verse 4, in verse 5 it says that, 'They became desperate'.  That was only the beginning of the trial.  They further accused him of causing riots which Jesus had never done, instead he had healed thousands.

Furthermore, he went to king Herod because Jesus was also a Galilean and that was Herod's jurisdiction.  Herod wasted no time asking him questions after questions.  While he was doing that, the religious leaders shouted many accusations to make sure that the trial would go through.

Then, Herod after some humiliations done to Jesus passed him to Pilate.  Amazingly, though enemies now, Pilate and Herod through this trial became good friends.

Even though, Pilate knew that Jesus was innocent (Luke 23:14-15).  They still insisted on crucifying him and releasing a criminal by the name of Barabbas.  Imagine now, what the headlines in newspapers would have said:  'Criminal released in place of innocent man' or 'Unfair Trial'.  Maybe the media would have just hid it somehow.

At last, even after Pilate's wife warned him of a dream she had about this innocent man and not to touch him (Matthew 27:18).  He didn't even listen to his wife and went by the peer pressure of the crowd instead.

Inevitably, and only for you and me Jesus Christ although he could have sent a legion of angels to stop it.  Only by his own free will and God's they crucified him.  No, it was not a mistake.  He wanted it to happened so that whosoever will may and can have ETERNAL LIFE! (John 3:16)

For God so loved the world that he gave HIS ONLY SON, so that EVERYONE WHO BELIEVES in him will NOT PERISH but have ETERNAL LIFE.


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