The Bible is an aggressive pursuit (Psalm 139:23)


Search me, O God, and know my heart, test me and know my anxious thoughts (Psalm 139:23)

Light Bulbs, Light, Idea, Energy, Lamp, Individual

Taking a Stand

Have you ever heard that the Bible was full of 'violence'?  The Bible, it and of itself is a very aggressive book.  It is for people who want to take a stand in life.  Humans, can't generally say 'no' and compromise about a lot of things.  They can't take a stand for what is right and have no convictions.  As for Christians, we are not any better than others if we can't take a stand for Christ.  Weak people do go with the flow and don't have a sense of personal leadership.  They cannot take control over their own 'self', but let 'self' run its own course.  Only with God can the weak become strong!  It takes some strong people to make a strong world.  We need warriors and people who believe in prayer.

People sleep peaceably in their beds at night because rough men stand ready to do violence on their behalf -George Orwell

The Bible is Strong

As I was saying, the Bible is strong because it aggressively pursues us weak and frail humans to the end.  Through the love of God and persuade them to change. As I was 'listening' to the Bible, not reading it I picked up, not violence.  But rather a certain aggressivity in it against evil and the pursuit of human life for its good.  The Bible is a 'soul searching' book.  One of the purpose of the Bible is to search you and 'rip' and 'strip away' any intended evil from you.  The application of the Bible makes you more like God which is the 'ideal' for human life.  The Bible is to be praised as well as God.  It's one of the only Book that has survived throughout history.  Truly, in the end of anyone's life it will live on.   If one doesn't make a change for Christ he or she will lose everything.  The Bible has stood the test of time no matter what anybody might have said against it.  We must equally take a stand for it as it has stood for us through history.

Faith in Jesus

Finally, faith is simple, but also complicate.  When you put your faith in Jesus or in God, your whole belief system to your inner core will change.  Unavoidably, the likelihood of you becoming like Him will be very great.  It will also increase the more you will put your trust in him.  It is like couples or friends , the more they trust each others, the more they become like each others.  If we don't trust God it is not only 'robbing' us from this benefit of changing ourselves.  But also himself because he can't do anything 'valuable' with us.  Let's all put our faith in Jesus and in the Bible and finish with  of self-will. Let's all perceive what is truly evil and aggressively pursue God.


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