The "Fruit" of Revival (John 15:5- 17)

 I am transliterating John 15:8 from my French Bible:

"This is how appears the glory of my Father: When you will bear much fruit and that way you will show that you are my disciples."

John 15 opens up with a revelation that Jesus is the Vine and we are the Branches (The fruit-bearers).  John 15:5 During his speech, he reveals how the glory of God is revealed in verse 8.  It is revealed when we bear much fruit and that's how we show we are his disciples.

Verse 9 - We must remain in the awareness of God's love for Jesus and in his love for one another.  How can you remain in his love if you have hate in your heart for the brothers and sisters around you.  God is love and any hate or dis-harmony is not welcomed in your life.

Your life should be as harmonious as possible and overflow with love for everyone and that means sincere love.

Of course it is, Love is the Fruit of the Spirit and he also speaks of Joy being complete if we do everything he commands us.  We just don't trust him for that either and THAT is our downfall.

In verse 16, Jesus the author of Love and Joy tells us that he has charged us to bear much fruit, but where is the production of fruit if there is no love.  He looks at everyone's heart, including my own and he can honestly not see the fruit, the sincere Love between us, when there is division and family feud everywhere.

Furthermore in verse 16, he gives us that amazing promise that if we love one another without fail, the Father will give us whatever we ask.   Is that not something worth doing?  The reason, the Church has not seen the fulfillment of that promise is because we have failed to love one another.  We have to bear much fruit if we want to see the glory of the Father that he talks about in verse 8 and if we want our prayers answered.  Is it not what it says? Then let us do it!


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