Your mind is like a Garden


Your Mind is like a Garden


Be careful like a gardener


 Maybe you have a grandmother or a mother who has a garden.  Anyway, have you ever seen how these people are always so careful and kind to the plants and flowers they work with.  It appears that they are handling fragile objects.  It must be so with your mind and the thoughts you put in.  Whatever you plant in your mind is what you will reap in due season. 

You can never be careful!  I used to listen to wild music and watch harmful movies and I became the loneliest man on earth.  My input affected my output and I became also hateful and unpleasant to be around.


 Sunshine and water


We all need some refreshing as gardens do.  A garden without water and sunshine is arid and harsh like a desert, nothing will grow there.  Your mind is the same.  If you listen to wrong conversation and harsh music soon you will have a limp outlook on life.  Surely hanging out with the wrong crowd will affect your life in a very negative way.  The outcome of a wrong social circle can be very devastating to anyone.


You deserve a better life


What I mean by that is that, unknowingly, you have abused yourself enough in your life and you need a little break.

Your break could come in different ways.  Because of stress, you could have a break-down.  In a more positive way, you could have a break-through.

The real break, though could start right now by what I suggest to you.

However your life has looked in the past it was all planned to bring you to him.

He is my Friend and he wants to be your Friend as well.  He is so pure though that anyone coming to him must be clean.  The good news is that he has done all for us.  We just have to accept his sacrifice and then we have a free eternal life in him.  We are free to live our lives without sin and no slavery.  Your past life has been a whole lot of ‘should’ and ‘should not.’

Now, you have a golden opportunity to live by His Spirit living in you.




Believe in the Lord Jesus and you will be saved

(Acts 16:31)


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