The Sanctity of Life


You were created.

 In Psalm 139:13 it says:

For you created my inmost being;

 you knit me together in my mother’s womb.

Verse 14 I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made;

Your works are wonderful,

I know that full well.


But do we know that full well?


We have each been created with careful precision, even with our defects and imperfections to serve a purpose in this dark world that we may shine our light with God’s help.  Some, might think in their frail state…” What a cruel God you speak of?  But I say: “Your attitude might change all that.”


Look at me now, for a long time I was prisoner of my own failure and mental illness.  My mental illness had become a crutch of self pity.  My suicidal thought fed the habit.  I needed Love and I was ready to do whatever it took.  God is Love and I already had him, but I wanted more.  All I had to do was to read my Bible and be quiet before him.  “Be still and know that I am God” (Psalm 46:10)

Soon, he replaced my lack by the satisfaction that can only come from him.  His word, the Bible is the heart of God for you.  Do you want to know him more? Read his Word, the Bible.  Prayerfully, approach the Bible because it is not a regular book.  It has Life in it.


You are all special


You are only one of a kind.  God after he made you threw away the mold.  Even twins have different personalities.  You are unique!

This shows us all the sanctity of our life.  It is precious!


How can we then kill someone in cold blood or in war and feel alright with it?


How many have been killed in wars over the centuries or in this century? Humans don’t even blink as they do it.


Most humans tough, are trying to make this world a better place to live, while they take little advice from the Creator of this world.  Why?


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