The World is a System



Beat the System


Don’t misunderstand me on this one.  I am not saying physically, but spiritually and mentally.

If the ‘system’ gets you down and overwhelms you change your heart and renew your mind.  The answer has been given you long time ago, but somehow you have missed all along.  Perhaps too busy to listen or you knew better than anyone else, even God.


There is only one foot between your heart and your mind and yet you have missed the most important information that could change your life forever,


You Can be Free


Assuredly, there is a whole network in the invisible realm of angels, good and bad fighting against each other for the defence of two kingdoms.  Some want you!

You have a choice now for God or for the Devil.  For good or evil. Love or hate!

God, from the beginning has wanted you whole and free from your sins, but no necessarily free from your problems.  Jesus Christ came to rescue you from the pit.  The pit of Hell.

You can have eternal life and bliss in Heaven and here right now or eternal death and torment in Hell.  Don’t kid yourself Hell is a horrible place, unfathomable pain and suffering.  While Heaven is a place of great joy with Jesus Christ at the center of millions and millions of angels and nations of many languages  (Revelation 7:9-12). An awesome place to be.  I want you there.


Your Heart Belongs


Your heart is a gateway to life or death and Jesus is the Door to your heart.  Knock, knock who is there?

Jesus is your shepherd.  He is everything you have ever hoped for.  Listen to your heart and not your feelings.  Even your intellect might be wrong.

The Bible is not just an historical fact but a book of life that gives life to all.

You are surrounded by angels, but most of all, the Holy Spirit has probably convicted you of some thoughts and actions that were not God honoring called sins.  He, simply wants you to give them up to God and take the Cross with you and live the Christian life.



I am the door, if anyone enters by me he will be saved… (John 10:9)


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