What is Truth


What is Truth?


Reality is Here

 Today, I was down on myself because of my situation and after having wallowed in depression for a while…God came through.

He asked me three questions plus one:

1)      Have you lost a million dollars?

2)      Have you lost your house?

3)      Have you lost your wife?

Finally, one more...  

Have you lost your faith?

These questions got me out of my depression and gave me a new perspective, I answered ‘no’ to all of them knowing that in my life one person out there could have answered affirmative.

The last one was a request from God of commitment to him. The Christian life is not a bed of roses at times, but we have the best support network one could ever dream.  We have precious brothers and sisters at our sides and a God that gave it all for us.


What is Truth?

 Truth is a Person who stands by you and supports you along life’s narrow way.  That Person is Jesus Christ.  He is level-headed and therefore puts your thoughts in line with His through God's word the Bible that is where truth lies.  He gives you a new perspective about any situation you may find yourself. In other words, he always shows you the reality of the whole picture.

The truth comes through judgment and evaluation.  Whoever has truth also has discernment and can make wise decision.  That is what Jesus brings to people who love truth.


 Practice Truth

 Finally, truth is certainly not wishy-washy, it is firm and solid or it could not be truth.

It is confronting and it causes one to think about the consequences of their actions.  In my depression earlier God was confronting me with truth and consequences.

In the same way, I come to you and ask you to make a new commitment for the truth and to consider the Ultimate Truth who is Jesus Christ.  Would you give him your heart today?


Here I am! I stand at the door and knock.  If anyone hears my voice and opens the door, I will come in and eat with that person and they with me. (Revelation 3:20)


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