Love surpasses Religion (Luke 7:36-50)


Love surpasses Religion (Luke 7:36-50)

Simon, the Pharisees had welcomed Jesus in his house.  After all, it made him look great in the eyes of his peers and his disciples.  A woman of poor reputation, probably an adulteress or prostitute came in the house.  (God often uses ‘sinners’ to test religion’s authenticity and this situation is no exception).  This woman opened her heart to Jesus and poured all the love she had for him.  It was worship at its highest degree.  She knew who Jesus was and she didn’t care about her own reputation anymore.  She had none left.  She had probably spent all her love on men to no avail.  Now she fell empty of self at Jesus’s feet with the most expensive perfume she could find.  She had made lots of her money through prostitution and now she was not willing to use it on herself but on Jesus the only one who could save her soul.  What are you using your money on?  What was this Pharisee using his money for?  But she was using her money to exalt Jesus.  That is where her heart was…with Jesus.

Do you think Simon’s heart was with Jesus?  Not really.  I think it was focussed so much on how he could get something out of his ego that he didn’t even anoint Jesus’s head with oil which is a customary practice in that culture to welcome someone in his home.  She had wept over Jesus’s feet out of a broken heart.  A heart broken by sin.

Simon had thought that Jesus could not be a prophet because he didn’t even know she was a prostitute.  Jesus revealed to him that indeed he knew his very thoughts. (Luke 7:39)

Jesus was showing Simon that although he was a very religious person and followed strict rules in his own sect.  He had failed just by not doing the basics of being a welcoming host.  This woman by her love and adoration of Jesus had surpassed the duties of a host.  She had welcomed Jesus in her own way and didn’t care what others thought anymore.  She was at the end of her rope and had tried everything to please men but was left empty.  The one hope she had left was Jesus and her opportunity came to show her love in this worthwhile fashion. 

In the end, Jesus tells her that her faith has saved her and your faith will save you also (Luke 7:50)

You have that same opportunity now and will come out fulfilled and satisfied.  When you love Jesus, he never leaves you empty.  Please leave a comment it helps me a lot.



Anonymous said…
Yes, we look at the outside but God sees into our hearts.

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