A Deep Subject


A Deep Subject

Death is the deep subject.  I do not know if it is because my mother passed away last month or because I am getting older and all of you are getting younger or both.

Life seems shorter as we get older, and we know death is nearer.  Which is stupid to think that death is nearer now than when I was twenty years of age.  Death is nearer to us all the time.  Beware of thinking that you are immune to it.  Death is inevitable.

Why do I talk about death so much?  Because it is a fascinating subject.  It is a subject that causes the depth of philosophy to open before us.  I am especially interested in people’s last words as they face death in the face.  Somehow, in every word their soul reveals their souls.

Of course, we should not keep our thoughts constantly on death and forget about life.

It is just that thinking on death gives us a certain wisdom that was not there before. Death for some people is a warning and to others it's a call

Life is short, let’s think about death that we might live better lives.

Famous Last Words

Btw, you can find these famous last words on a website called: www.mentalfloss.com

In 1977, Elvis Presley told his then fiancĂ©e. “I am going to the bathroom to read” and the rest, is as they say history.

George Orwell, a well know writer last written words were, “At 50 everyone has the face he deserves”. He died at 46.

Sadly enough, an R&B singer by the name of Johnny Ace died in 1954 while playing with a pistol during a break in his concert set.  His last words were, “I’ll show you that it won’t shoot.”

I do not know what my last words will be nor how long I must live.  My last words might be to my wife like someone did already, “You are beautiful” or to my King Jesus, “Here, I come.”

What will your last words be? Death might be silent now, but one day you will meet it face to face.

For this is the end of all mankind, and the living will take it to heart.” (Ecclesiastes 7:2)



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