The Seed must die first (John 12:24)


The Seed must die first


I got so excited about the deep subject of death that here I am again bringing it to you with renewed vision.  Most people out there are excited (maybe a bit) about life.  They ‘want a better life’.

In John 12:24 Jesus seems to present it from a different angle:
“Very truly I tell you, unless a kernel
Of wheat falls to the ground and dies,
It remains only a single seed.
But if it dies, it produces many seeds.”

 To me, it simply means that to experience the true life you and I need to figuratively die (Be careful here I did not mean literally).  It just means that your self-desired life must die first before you can live a life where you will be truly satisfied.  Not seeking self, but God’s desires for your life.  The seed must die in the ground before there is an explosion of life producing a plant and fruits.  Just think of what will become of you when figuratively you will die, and life eternal will come to you in its fullness.


In life’s principles, whenever we give up on an idea or a desire a new opportunity arises.  Everything must die before it lives.  Your life is boring right now, because you are hooked on it.  You are putting all your resources into that one little life of yours.  Jesus said: If you try to save your life you will lose it.  If your life has become a big “worry egg” give it up to God and see what he will do with it.  You will also be excited like I am.

My wife has a beautiful garden, and I can assure you that what now looks like abundant life did not happen overnight. But I am sure that ‘death’ had to happen first in the seeds that were planted in the ground.
When I became a born again Christian, it did not start when I went to church or read the Bible.  It started when I identified with what Jesus had done on the Cross for me (he died like a seed) then by accepting him in my heart (I died too with him) and became a new creation when the Holy Spirit came in me.  You can as well become a new creation right now.  Eternal life awaits!


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