Death meet Jesus - Jesus meet Death (Isaiah 53:3)


Jesus being the Son of God had never experienced death before that the time of the crucifixion at Calvary.  He had never experienced suffering at this level.  He became acquainted with it as it says in Isaiah 53:3. This whole chapter talks about him in the future.  For death as well it was a new encounter.  What a surprise it would have been when life gushed out of the tomb on the third day.  Death had never seen such an adversary like Jesus.  Death was beaten and defeated.  At the Cross, death thought it had won but at the Resurrection it was defeated for sure.  What a victory over anything that claimed to be associated with death like sin, sickness, and infirmities.

Now in this world of enmities and injustice, it looks like death is still victorious but not so fast.  God has reserved a time for Justice to take place and he will indeed have to last word.  In the Book of the Revelation of Jesus Christ and at the end of your Bible he has already written the last chapters.  The story has already been written and it is believed by most Christian.  It is really simple…If you don’t believe any of this, I have News for you…You are on the losing Team which is Satan’s, and he is not the almighty like his ‘demon-friends’ might depict him to be.  He is a defeated foe.

So why am I saying all that?  Well, because you will become like who you hang around with.  If your team wins, you win and if your team lose, you lose.  Your choice and you are the only one who can turn the situation around by accepting Jesus Christ in your heart as your Saviour and Lord.  You will then never taste death although your body will die your spirit will live on.  God bless you in your journey.  Please leave a comment.  Thank you  Happy Canada Day!


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